const fs = require("fs"); const zlib = require("zlib"); const stores = require("./stores"); const STORE_KEYS = Object.keys(stores); exports.STORE_KEYS = STORE_KEYS; function currentDate() { const currentDate = new Date(); const year = currentDate.getFullYear(); const month = String(currentDate.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, "0"); const day = String(currentDate.getDate()).padStart(2, "0"); return `${year}-${month}-${day}`; } function readJSON(file, gzipped = false) { let data = fs.readFileSync(`${file}${gzipped ? ".gz" : ""}`) if (gzipped) data = zlib.gunzipSync(data); return JSON.parse(data); } exports.readJSON = readJSON; function writeJSON(file, data, gzipped = false, spacer = 2, compressData = false) { if (compressData) { data = compress(data); } data = JSON.stringify(data, null, spacer); if (gzipped) data = zlib.gzipSync(data); fs.writeFileSync(`${file}${gzipped ? ".gz" : ""}`, data); } exports.writeJSON = writeJSON; function getCanonicalFor(store, rawItems, today) { const canonicalItems = []; for (let i = 0; i < rawItems.length; i++) { const item = stores[store]?.getCanonical(rawItems[i], today); if (item) canonicalItems.push({ store, ...item, }); } return canonicalItems; } function mergePriceHistory(oldItems, items) { if (oldItems == null) return items; const lookup = {}; for (oldItem of oldItems) { lookup[ +] = oldItem; } for (item of items) { let oldItem = lookup[ +]; delete lookup[ +]; let currPrice = item.priceHistory[0]; if (oldItem) { if (oldItem.priceHistory[0].price == currPrice.price) { item.priceHistory = oldItem.priceHistory; continue; } for (oldPrice of oldItem.priceHistory) { item.priceHistory.push(oldPrice); } } } console.log(`${Object.keys(lookup).length} not in latest list.`); for (key of Object.keys(lookup)) { items.push(lookup[key]); } sortItems(items); console.log(`Items: ${items.length}`); return items; } function sortItems(items) { items.sort((a, b) => { if ( < { return -1; } else if ( > { return 1; } if ( < { return -1; } else if ( > { return 1; } return 0; }); } // Keep this in sync with utils.js:decompress function compress(items) { const compressed = { stores: STORE_KEYS, n: items.length, data: [], }; const data =; for (item of items) { data.push(STORE_KEYS.indexOf(; data.push(; data.push(; data.push(item.priceHistory.length); for (price of item.priceHistory) { data.push("-", "")); data.push(price.price); } data.push(item.unit); data.push(item.quantity); data.push(item.isWeighted ? 1 : 0); data.push( ? 1 : 0); data.push(item.url?.replace(stores[].urlBase, "")); } return compressed; } exports.compress = compress; /// Given a directory of raw data of the form `$store-$date.json`, constructs /// a canonical list of all products and their historical price data. exports.replay = function (rawDataDir) { const today = currentDate(); const files = fs .readdirSync(rawDataDir) .filter((file) => file.indexOf("canonical") == -1 && STORE_KEYS.some((store) => file.indexOf(`${store}-`) == 0)); const dateSort = (a, b) => { const dateA = new Date(a.match(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/)[0]); const dateB = new Date(b.match(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/)[0]); return dateA - dateB; }; const getFilteredFilesFor = (store) => files .filter((file) => file.indexOf(`${store}-`) == 0) .sort(dateSort) .map((file) => rawDataDir + "/" + file); const storeFiles = {}; const canonicalFiles = {}; for (const store of STORE_KEYS) { storeFiles[store] = getFilteredFilesFor(store); canonicalFiles[store] = storeFiles[store].map(file => getCanonicalFor(store, readJSON(file, true), file.match(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/)[0])); canonicalFiles[store].reverse(); } const allFilesCanonical = []; const len = Math.max(...Object.values(canonicalFiles).map((filesByStore) => filesByStore.length)); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const canonical = []; Object.values(canonicalFiles).forEach((filesByStore) => { const file = filesByStore.pop(); if (file) canonical.push(...file); }); allFilesCanonical.push(canonical); } if (allFilesCanonical.length == 0) return null; if (allFilesCanonical.length == 1) return allFilesCanonical[0]; let prev = allFilesCanonical[0]; let curr = null; for (let i = 1; i < allFilesCanonical.length; i++) { curr = allFilesCanonical[i]; mergePriceHistory(prev, curr); prev = curr; } return curr; }; exports.updateData = async function (dataDir, done) { const today = currentDate(); console.log("Fetching data for date: " + today); const storeFetchPromises = []; for (const store of STORE_KEYS) { storeFetchPromises.push(new Promise(async (resolve) => { const start =; try { const storeItems = await stores[store].fetchData(); writeJSON(`${dataDir}/${store}-${today}.json`, storeItems, true); const storeItemsCanonical = getCanonicalFor(store, storeItems, today); console.log(`Fetched ${store.toUpperCase()} data, took ${( - start) / 1000} seconds`); resolve(storeItemsCanonical) } catch (e) { console.error(`Error while fetching data from ${store}, continuing after ${( - start) / 1000} seconds...`, e); resolve([]) } })); } const items = [].concat(...(await Promise.all(storeFetchPromises))); if (fs.existsSync(`${dataDir}/latest-canonical.json.gz`)) { const oldItems = readJSON(`${dataDir}/latest-canonical.json`, true); mergePriceHistory(oldItems, items); console.log("Merged price history"); } sortItems(items); writeJSON(`${dataDir}/latest-canonical.json`, items, true); if (done) done(items); return items; };