const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); exports.mergeAndSaveCategories = (store, categories) => { const mappingFile = path.join(__dirname, `${store}-categories.json`); if (fs.existsSync(mappingFile)) { const oldMapping = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(mappingFile)); const oldLookup = {}; for (const category of oldMapping) { oldLookup[] = category; } for (const category of categories) { const oldCategory = oldLookup[]; if (oldCategory == null) { console.log(`Found new unmapped category for ${store}: ${} - ${category.description}`); } else { category.code = oldCategory.code; delete oldLookup[]; } } if (Object.keys(oldLookup).length > 0) { for (const key in oldLookup) { const category = oldLookup[key]; console.log(`Found category absent in latest mapping for ${store}: ${} - ${category.description}`); categories.push(category); } } } fs.writeFileSync(mappingFile, JSON.stringify(categories, null, 2)); return categories; }; exports.globalUnits = { "stk.": { unit: "stk", factor: 1 }, blatt: { unit: "stk", factor: 1 }, paar: { unit: "stk", factor: 1 }, stk: { unit: "stk", factor: 1 }, st: { unit: "stk", factor: 1 }, teebeutel: { unit: "stk", factor: 1 }, tücher: { unit: "stk", factor: 1 }, rollen: { unit: "stk", factor: 1 }, tabs: { unit: "stk", factor: 1 }, stück: { unit: "stk", factor: 1 }, mm: { unit: "cm", factor: 0.1 }, cm: { unit: "cm", factor: 1 }, zentimeter: { unit: "cm", factor: 1 }, m: { unit: "cm", factor: 100 }, meter: { unit: "cm", factor: 100 }, g: { unit: "g", factor: 1 }, gr: { unit: "g", factor: 1 }, gramm: { unit: "g", factor: 1 }, dag: { unit: "g", factor: 10 }, kg: { unit: "g", factor: 1000 }, kilogramm: { unit: "g", factor: 1000 }, ml: { unit: "ml", factor: 1 }, milliliter: { unit: "ml", factor: 1 }, dl: { unit: "ml", factor: 10 }, cl: { unit: "ml", factor: 100 }, l: { unit: "ml", factor: 1000 }, lt: { unit: "ml", factor: 1000 }, liter: { unit: "ml", factor: 1000 }, wg: { unit: "wg", factor: 1 }, }; exports.convertUnit = function (item, units, store, fallback) { if (typeof item.quantity == "string") item.quantity = parseFloat(item.quantity.replace(",", ".")); let unit = item.unit; if (typeof unit === "string") unit = unit.toLowerCase(); const conv = unit in exports.globalUnits ? exports.globalUnits[unit] : units[unit]; if (conv === undefined) { if (fallback) { item.quantity = fallback.quantity; item.unit = fallback.unit; } else { console.error(`Unknown unit in ${store}: '${unit}' in item ${}`); } return item; } item.quantity = conv.factor * item.quantity; item.unit = conv.unit; return item; }; exports.parseUnitAndQuantityAtEnd = function (name) { let unit, quantity = 1; const nameTokens = name.trim().replaceAll("(", "").replaceAll(")", "").replaceAll(",", ".").split(" "); const lastToken = nameTokens[nameTokens.length - 1]; const secondLastToken = nameTokens.length >= 2 ? nameTokens[nameTokens.length - 2] : null; const token = parseFloat(lastToken) ? lastToken : secondLastToken + lastToken; const regex = /^([0-9.x]+)(.*)$/; const matches = token.match(regex); if (matches) { matches[1].split("x").forEach((q) => { quantity = quantity * parseFloat(q); }); unit = matches[2]; return [quantity, unit.toLowerCase()]; } return [undefined, undefined]; };