const axios = require("axios"); const utils = require("./utils"); const units = { grm: { unit: "g", factor: 1 }, kgm: { unit: "g", factor: 1000 }, ltr: { unit: "ml", factor: 1000 }, mlt: { unit: "ml", factor: 1 }, mtr: { unit: "m", factor: 1 }, anw: { unit: "stk", factor: 1 }, "bl.": { unit: "stk", factor: 1 }, pkg: { unit: "stk", factor: 1 }, gr: { unit: "g", factor: 1 }, er: { unit: "stk", factor: 1 }, }; exports.getCanonical = function (item, today) { let quantity = item.prices[0].presentationPrice.measurementUnit.quantity; let unit = item.prices[0].presentationPrice.measurementUnit.unitCode.toLowerCase(); if (["xro", "h87", "hlt"].indexOf(unit) != -1) { const q = utils.parseUnitAndQuantityAtEnd(item.mixins.productCustomAttributes.packagingUnit); quantity = q[0] ?? quantity; unit = q[1]; } if (!(unit in units)) { unit = "stk"; } const isWeighted = (item.mixins.productCustomAttributes?.packagingDescription ?? "").startsWith("Gewichtsware"); return utils.convertUnit( { id: item.code, name:[0], description: item.mixins?.productCustomAttributes?.longDescription ?? "", isWeighted, price: isWeighted ? item.prices[0].effectiveAmount : item.prices[0].presentationPrice.effectiveAmount, priceHistory: [{ date: today, price: item.prices[0].presentationPrice.effectiveAmount }], unit, quantity, bio:"BIO"), }, units, "mpreis" ); }; exports.fetchData = async function () { const MPREIS_URL = ``; let mpreisItems = []; let res = (await axios.get(MPREIS_URL)).data; mpreisItems = mpreisItems.concat(res.hits); cursor = res.cursor; while (cursor) { res = (await axios.get(MPREIS_URL + `&cursor=${cursor}`)).data; mpreisItems = mpreisItems.concat(res.hits); cursor = res.cursor; } return mpreisItems; }; function categoriesToPath(rawItem) { if (!rawItem.categories) return null; const traversePath = (category, result) => { if ( == "ProductRoot") return; if (category.parent) traversePath(category.parent, result); result.push({ name:, id: }); }; const pathElements = []; traversePath(rawItem.category, pathElements); const lastIndex = Math.min(3, pathElements.length) - 1; const result = pathElements .slice(0, lastIndex + 1) .map((el) => .join(" -> ") + "-" + pathElements[lastIndex].id; return result; } exports.initializeCategoryMapping = async (rawItems) => { rawItems = rawItems ?? (await exports.fetchData()); const categoryLookup = {}; for (const rawItem of rawItems) { if (rawItem.categories) { const path = categoriesToPath(rawItem); categoryLookup[path] = { id: path, code: null, url: "" + path.match(/(\d+)$/)[1], }; } } let categories = []; Object.keys(categoryLookup).forEach((key) => categories.push(categoryLookup[key])); categories.sort((a, b) =>; categories = utils.mergeAndSaveCategories("mpreis", categories); exports.categoryLookup = {}; for (const category of categories) { exports.categoryLookup[] = category; } }; exports.mapCategory = (rawItem) => { const path = categoriesToPath(rawItem); return exports.categoryLookup[path]?.code; }; exports.urlBase = "";