const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const axios = require("axios"); const utils = require("./utils"); const analysis = require("../analysis"); const units = { "": { unit: "stk", factor: 1 }, gg: { unit: "g", factor: 1 }, er: { unit: "stk", factor: 1 }, teebeutel: { unit: "stk", factor: 1 }, }; exports.getCanonical = function (item, today) { // try to read quantity and unit from product name const name = item.productName; let [quantity, unit] = utils.parseUnitAndQuantityAtEnd(name); return utils.convertUnit( { id: item.productID, name, // description: "", not available price: item.price, priceHistory: [{ date: today, price: item.price }], isWeighted: item.isBulk, unit: !unit ? item.unitType : unit, quantity: !quantity ? item.unit : quantity, bio: item.isBio, url: `${item.categorySEOName}/${item.sEOName}`, }, units, "hofer", { quantity: item.unit, unit: item.unitType, } ); }; const HOFER_BASE_URL = ``; const CATEGORIES = HOFER_BASE_URL + `/category/GetFullCategoryList/`; const CONFIG = { headers: { authorization: null } }; const TOKEN_DATA = { OwnWebshopProviderCode: "", SetUserSelectedShopsOnFirstSiteLoad: true, RedirectToDashboardNeeded: false, ShopsSelectedForRoot: "hofer", BrandProviderSelectedForRoot: null, UserSelectedShops: [], }; const ITEMS = HOFER_BASE_URL + `/productlist/CategoryProductList`; exports.fetchData = async function () { const { subCategories } = await exports.getCategories(); let hoferItems = []; for (let subCategory of subCategories) { let categoryData = (await axios.get(`${ITEMS}?progId=${subCategory.ProgID}&firstLoadProductListResultNum=4&listResultProductNum=24`, CONFIG)) .data; const numPages = categoryData.ProductListResults[0].ListContext.TotalPages; for (let iPage = 1; iPage <= numPages; iPage++) { let items = ( await`${HOFER_BASE_URL}/productlist/GetProductList`, { CategoryProgId: subCategory.ProgID, Page: iPage }, CONFIG) ).data; hoferItems = hoferItems.concat(items.ProductList); } } return hoferItems; }; exports.getCategories = async () => { const token = ( await"", TOKEN_DATA, { headers: { Accept: "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json" }, }) ).headers["jwt-auth"]; CONFIG.headers.authorization = "Bearer " + token; // concat all subcategories (categories.[i].ChildList) const categories = (await, {}, CONFIG)).data; const subCategories = categories.reduce((acc, category) => acc.concat(category.ChildList), []); return { categories, subCategories }; }; exports.urlBase = ""; exports.initializeCategoryMapping = async (rawItems) => { rawItems = rawItems ?? (await exports.fetchData()); const rawCategories = (await exports.getCategories()).categories; const lookup = {}; const processCategory = (category) => { lookup[category.ProgID] = { id: category.ProgID, description: category.CategoryName, url: "" + category.Url, code: null, }; for (const child of category.ChildList) { processCategory(child); } }; for (const category of rawCategories) { processCategory(category); } for (const item of rawItems) { if (!lookup[item.CategorySEOName]) { // console.log(`Couldn't find category '${item.CategorySEOName}' for Hofer product ${item.ProductName}`); lookup[item.CategorySEOName] = { id: item.CategorySEOName, url: "" + item.CategorySEOName, code: "", }; } else { const category = lookup[item.CategorySEOName]; } } let categories = []; Object.keys(lookup).forEach((key) => categories.push(lookup[key])); categories = utils.mergeAndSaveCategories("hofer", categories); exports.categoryLookup = {}; for (const category of categories) { exports.categoryLookup[] = category; } }; exports.mapCategory = (rawItem) => { const category = exports.categoryLookup[rawItem.CategorySEOName]; return category?.code; };