async function load() { const items = await loadItems(); const lookup = {}; for (item of items) { lookup[] = item; } let cart = null; const cartName = getQueryParameter("name"); for (c of carts) { if ( == cartName) { cart = c; break; } } if (cart == null) { alert("Warenkorb '" + cartName + "' existiert nicht."); location.href = "carts.html"; } if ( != "Momentum Eigenmarken Vergleich") showSearch(cart, items); showCart(cart, lookup); } function showSearch(cart, items) { const searchDom = document.querySelector("#search"); searchDom.innerHTML = ""; newSearchComponent(searchDom, items, (item) => { for (let i = 0; i < cart.items.length; i++) { const cartItem = cart.items[i]; if ( == return false; } return true; }, (header) => { header.append(dom("th", "")); return header; }, (item, itemDom) => { const addButton = dom("input"); addButton.setAttribute("type", "button"); addButton.setAttribute("value", "+"); const cell = dom("td", ""); cell.appendChild(addButton); itemDom.appendChild(cell); addButton.addEventListener("click", () => { cart.items.push(item); saveCarts(); showCart(cart, lookup); }); return itemDom; }); } let lastChart = null; function showChart(canvasDom, cart, lookup) { let data = []; cart.items.forEach((i, idx) => { const item = lookup[]; if (!item) return; if(i.chart) data.push(item); }); if (data.length == 0) { = "none"; return; } else { = "block"; } const allDates = data.flatMap(product => =>; const uniqueDates = [ Set(allDates)]; uniqueDates.sort(); const datasets = => { let price = null; const prices = => { const priceObj = product.priceHistory.find(item => === date); if (!price && priceObj) price = priceObj.price; return priceObj ? priceObj.price : null; }); for (let i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) { if (!prices[i]) { prices[i] = price; } else { price = prices[i]; } } return { label:, data: prices, }; }); const ctx = canvasDom.getContext('2d'); if (lastChart) lastChart.destroy(); lastChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'line', data: { labels: uniqueDates, datasets: datasets }, options: { responsive: true, } }); } function showCart(cart, lookup) { const cartDom = document.querySelector("#cart"); cartDom.innerHTML = ""; cartDom.append(dom("h2", "Warenkorb '" + + "'")); const canvasDom = dom("canvas", ""); cartDom.append(canvasDom); showChart(canvasDom, cart, lookup); const itemTable = dom("table", ""); const header = dom("tr", `KetteNameMengePreis`); itemTable.append(header); cart.items.forEach((i, idx) => { const item = lookup[]; if (!item) return; const itemDom = itemToDOM(item) const checkBox = dom("input", ""); checkBox.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); if (i.chart) checkBox.setAttribute("checked", true); itemDom.append(checkBox); checkBox.addEventListener("change", () => { i.chart = checkBox.checked; saveCarts(); showChart(canvasDom, cart, lookup); }); if ( != "Momentum Eigenmarken Vergleich") { const deleteButton = dom("input", ""); deleteButton.setAttribute("type", "button"); deleteButton.setAttribute("value", "-"); itemDom.append(deleteButton); deleteButton.addEventListener("click", () => { cart.items.splice(idx, 1); saveCarts(); showCart(cart, lookup) }) } itemTable.append(itemDom); }); cartDom.append(itemTable); } load();