const stores = { billa: { name: "Billa", budgetBrands: ["clever"], color: "rgb(255 255 225)", }, spar: { name: "Spar", budgetBrands: ["s-budget"], color: "rgb(225 244 225)", }, hofer: { name: "Hofer", budgetBrands: ["milfina"], color: "rgb(230 230 255)", }, lidl: { name: "Lidl", budgetBrands: ["milbona"], color: "rgb(255 225 225)", }, mpreis: { name: "MPREIS", budgetBrands: [], color: "rgb(255 230 230)", }, dm: { name: "DM", budgetBrands: [], color: "rgb(255 240 230)", }, unimarkt: { name: "Unimarkt", budgetBrands: ["jeden tag", "unipur"], color: "rgb(179, 217, 255)", }, }; const STORE_KEYS = Object.keys(stores); const BUDGET_BRANDS = [].concat( ...Object .values(stores) .map(store => store.budgetBrands) ); function currentDate() { const currentDate = new Date(); const year = currentDate.getFullYear(); const month = String(currentDate.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); const day = String(currentDate.getDate()).padStart(2, '0'); return `${year}-${month}-${day}`; } function getQueryParameter(name) { const url = window.location.href; const queryString = url.substring(url.indexOf('?') + 1); const parameters = queryString.split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { const parameter = parameters[i].split('='); const paramName = decodeURIComponent(parameter[0]); if (paramName == name) return decodeURIComponent(parameter[1]); } return null; } function toNumber(value, defaultValue) { try { return Number.parseFloat(value); } catch (e) { return defaultValue; } } function dom(el, html) { let element = document.createElement(el); element.innerHTML = html; return element; } async function loadItems() { const response = await fetch("latest-canonical.json") const items = await response.json(); for (item of items) { = + " " + item.unit; =",", "."); item.numPrices = item.priceHistory.length; item.priceOldest = item.priceHistory[item.priceHistory.length - 1].price; item.dateOldest = item.priceHistory[item.priceHistory.length - 1].date; = item.priceHistory[0].date; let highestPriceBefore = -1; for (let i = 1; i < item.priceHistory.length; i++) { const price = item.priceHistory[i]; highestPriceBefore = Math.max(highestPriceBefore, price.price); } if (highestPriceBefore == -1) highestPriceBefore = item.price; item.highestBefore = highestPriceBefore; } return items; } let carts = []; loadCarts(); function loadCarts() { let val = localStorage.getItem("carts"); carts = val ? JSON.parse(val) : []; } function saveCarts() { localStorage.setItem("carts", JSON.stringify(carts, null, 2)); } function hasCart(name) { for (cart of carts) { if ( = name) return true; } return false; } function addCart(name) { carts.push({ name: name, items: [] }); saveCarts(); } function removeCart(name) { carts = carts.filter(cart => != name); saveCarts(); } function itemToStoreLink(item) { if (STORE_KEYS.includes( { return `${}` } return `${}`; } function itemToDOM(item) { let storeDom = dom("td",; storeDom.setAttribute("data-label", "Kette"); let nameDom = dom("td", `${itemToStoreLink(item)}`); nameDom.setAttribute("data-label", "Name"); let unitDom = dom("td", item.unit ? item.unit : ""); unitDom.setAttribute("data-label", "Menge"); let increase = ""; if (item.priceHistory.length > 1) { let percentageChange = Math.round((item.priceHistory[0].price - item.priceHistory[1].price) / item.priceHistory[1].price * 100); increase = `${(percentageChange > 0 ? "+" + percentageChange : percentageChange)}%`; } let priceDomText = `${Number(item.price).toFixed(2)} ${increase} ${item.priceHistory.length > 1 ? "(" + (item.priceHistory.length - 1) + ")" : ""}`; let pricesText = ""; for (let i = 0; i < item.priceHistory.length; i++) { const date = item.priceHistory[i].date; const currPrice = item.priceHistory[i].price; const lastPrice = item.priceHistory[i + 1] ? item.priceHistory[i + 1].price : currPrice; const increase = Math.round((currPrice - lastPrice) / lastPrice * 100); let priceColor = "black"; if (increase > 0) priceColor = "red"; if (increase < 0) priceColor = "green"; pricesText += `${date} ${currPrice} ${increase > 0 ? "+" + increase : increase}%`; if (i != item.priceHistory.length - 1) pricesText += "
"; } let priceDom = dom("td", `${priceDomText}
`); priceDom.setAttribute("data-label", "Preis"); if (item.priceHistory.length > 1) {["cursor"] = "pointer"; priceDom.addEventListener("click", () => { const pricesDom = priceDom.querySelector(".priceinfo"); if (pricesDom.classList.contains("hide")) { pricesDom.classList.remove("hide"); } else { pricesDom.classList.add("hide"); } }); } let row = dom("tr", "");["background"] = stores[]?.color; row.appendChild(storeDom); row.appendChild(nameDom); row.appendChild(unitDom); row.appendChild(priceDom); return row; } let componentId = 0; function searchItems(items, query, checkedStores, budgetBrands, minPrice, maxPrice, exact, bio) { query = query.trim(); if (query.length < 3) return []; if (query.charAt(0) == "!") { query = query.substring(1); return alasql("select * from ? where " + query, [items]); } const tokens = query.split(/\s+/).map(token => token.toLowerCase().replace(",", ".")); let hits = []; for (item of items) { let allFound = true; for (token of tokens) { if (token.length == 0) continue; const index =; if (index < 0) { allFound = false; break; } if (exact) { if (index > 0 && ( - 1) != " " && - 1) != "-")) { allFound = false; break; } if (index + token.length < && + token.length) != " ") { allFound = false; break; } } } if (allFound) { const name =; if (checkedStores.length && !checkedStores.includes( continue; if (item.price < minPrice) continue; if (item.price > maxPrice) continue; if ( budgetBrands && !BUDGET_BRANDS.some(budgetBrand => name.indexOf(budgetBrand) >= 0) ) continue; if (bio && ! continue; hits.push(item); } } return hits; } function newSearchComponent(parentElement, items, searched, filter, headerModifier, itemDomModifier) { let id = componentId++; parentElement.innerHTML = ""; parentElement.innerHTML = ` Query link
${ => ``).join(" ")}
`; const searchInput = parentElement.querySelector(`#search-${id}`); const queryLink = parentElement.querySelector(`#querylink-${id}`); const exact = parentElement.querySelector(`#exact-${id}`); const table = parentElement.querySelector(`#result-${id}`); const budgetBrands = parentElement.querySelector(`#budgetBrands-${id}`); const bio = parentElement.querySelector(`#bio-${id}`); const storeCheckboxes = => parentElement.querySelector(`#${store}-${id}`)); const minPrice = parentElement.querySelector(`#minprice-${id}`); const maxPrice = parentElement.querySelector(`#maxprice-${id}`); const numResults = parentElement.querySelector(`#numresults-${id}`); let search = (query) => { let hits = []; let now =; try { hits = searchItems(items, query, STORE_KEYS.filter((store, i) => storeCheckboxes[i].checked), budgetBrands.checked, toNumber(minPrice.value, 0), toNumber(maxPrice.value, 100), exact.checked, bio.checked ); } catch (e) { console.log("Query: " + query + "\n" + e.message); } console.log("Search took " + ( - now) / 1000.0 + " secs"); if (searched) hits = searched(hits); if (filter) hits = hits.filter(filter); table.innerHTML = ""; if (hits.length == 0) { numResults.innerHTML = "Resultate: 0"; return; } if (query.trim().charAt(0) != "!") hits.sort((a, b) => a.price - b.price); let header = dom("tr", `KetteNameMengePreis`); if (headerModifier) header = headerModifier(header); const thead = dom("thead", ``); thead.appendChild(header); table.appendChild(thead); now =; let num = 0; hits.every(hit => { let itemDom = itemToDOM(hit); if (itemDomModifier) itemDom = itemDomModifier(hit, itemDom, hits); table.appendChild(itemDom); num++; return num < 500; }); console.log("Building DOM took: " + ( - now) / 1000.0 + " secs"); numResults.innerHTML = "Resultate: " + hits.length + (num < hits.length ? ", " + num + " angezeigt" : ""); } searchInput.addEventListener("input", (event) => { const query = searchInput.value.trim(); if (query == 0) { minPrice.value = 0; maxPrice.value = 100; } if (query.length > 0 && query.charAt(0) == "!") { parentElement.querySelectorAll(".filters").forEach(f => = "none"); queryLink.classList.remove("hide"); queryLink.setAttribute("href", "/?q=" + encodeURIComponent(query)); } else { parentElement.querySelectorAll(".filters").forEach(f => = "block"); queryLink.classList.add("hide"); } search(searchInput.value); }); budgetBrands.addEventListener("change", () => search(searchInput.value)); bio.addEventListener("change", () => search(searchInput.value)); => store.addEventListener("change", () => search(searchInput.value))); exact.addEventListener("change", () => search(searchInput.value)); minPrice.addEventListener("change", () => search(searchInput.value)); maxPrice.addEventListener("change", () => search(searchInput.value)); return () => search(searchInput.value); } function showChart(canvasDom, items) { if (items.length == 0) { = "none"; return; } else { = "block"; } const allDates = items.flatMap(product => =>; const uniqueDates = [ Set(allDates)]; uniqueDates.sort(); const datasets = => { let price = null; const prices = => { const priceObj = product.priceHistory.find(item => === date); if (!price && priceObj) price = priceObj.price; return priceObj ? priceObj.price : null; }); for (let i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) { if (prices[i] == null) { prices[i] = price; } else { price = prices[i]; } } return { label:, data: prices, }; }); const ctx = canvasDom.getContext('2d'); if (canvasDom.lastChart) canvasDom.lastChart.destroy(); canvasDom.lastChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'line', data: { labels: uniqueDates, datasets: datasets }, options: { responsive: true, aspectRation: 16 / 9, scales: { y: { title: { display: true, text: "EURO" } } } } }); } function calculateOverallPriceChanges(items) { if (items.length == 0) return { dates: [], changes: [] }; const allDates = items.flatMap(product => =>; const uniqueDates = [ Set(allDates)]; uniqueDates.sort(); const allPrices = => { let price = null; const prices = => { const priceObj = product.priceHistory.find(item => === date); if (!price && priceObj) price = priceObj.price; return priceObj ? priceObj.price : null; }); for (let i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) { if (!prices[i]) { prices[i] = price; } else { price = prices[i]; } } return prices; }); const priceChanges = []; for (let i = 0; i < uniqueDates.length; i++) { let price = 0; for (let j = 0; j < allPrices.length; j++) { price += allPrices[j][i]; } priceChanges.push({ date: uniqueDates[i], price }); } return priceChanges; }