const { deltaTime, log } = require("../js/misc"); const { stores, STORE_KEYS } = require("./stores"); const { Model } = require("./model"); function decompress(compressedItems) { const storeLookup = compressedItems.stores; const data =; const dates = compressedItems.dates; const numItems = compressedItems.n; const items = new Array(numItems); let i = 0; for (let l = 0; l < numItems; l++) { const store = storeLookup[data[i++]]; const id = data[i++]; const name = data[i++]; const numPrices = data[i++]; const prices = new Array(numPrices); for (let j = 0; j < numPrices; j++) { const date = dates[data[i++]]; const price = data[i++]; prices[j] = { date: date.substring(0, 4) + "-" + date.substring(4, 6) + "-" + date.substring(6, 8), price, }; } const unit = data[i++]; const quantity = data[i++]; const isWeighted = data[i++] == 1; const bio = data[i++] == 1; const url = stores[store].getUrl({ id, name, url: data[i++] }); items[l] = { store, id, name, price: prices[0].price, priceHistory: prices, isWeighted, unit, quantity, bio, url, }; } return items; } class Items extends Model { constructor() { super(); this._items = []; this._filteredItems = []; this._lookup = {}; } get items() { return this._items; } get filteredItems() { return this._filteredItems; } set filteredItems(newItems) { this._filteredItems = newItems; this.notify(); } get lookup() { return this._lookup; } processItems(items) { const lookup = {}; const start =; for (const item of items) { lookup[ +] = item; = + " " + item.quantity + " " + item.unit; =",", "."); item.unitPrice = (item.price / item.quantity) * (item.unit == "g" || item.unit == "ml" ? 1000 : 1); item.numPrices = item.priceHistory.length; item.priceOldest = item.priceHistory[item.priceHistory.length - 1].price; item.dateOldest = item.priceHistory[item.priceHistory.length - 1].date; = item.priceHistory[0].date; let highestPriceBefore = -1; let lowestPriceBefore = 100000; for (let i = 0; i < item.priceHistory.length; i++) { const price = item.priceHistory[i]; price.unitPrice = (price.price / item.quantity) * (item.unit == "g" || item.unit == "ml" ? 1000 : 1); if (i == 0) continue; if (i < 10) { item["price" + i] = price.price; item["unitPrice" + i] = price.unitPrice; item["date" + i] =; } highestPriceBefore = Math.max(highestPriceBefore, price.price); lowestPriceBefore = Math.min(lowestPriceBefore, price.price); } if (highestPriceBefore == -1) highestPriceBefore = item.price; if (lowestPriceBefore == 100000) lowestPriceBefore = item.price; item.highestBefore = highestPriceBefore; item.lowestBefore = lowestPriceBefore; } items.sort((a, b) => { if ( < { return -1; } else if ( > { return 1; } if ( < { return -1; } else if ( > { return 1; } return 0; }); log(`Items - processing ${items.length} items took ${deltaTime(start).toFixed(4)} secs`); this._items = items; this._lookup = lookup; } async load() { let start =; const compressedItemsPerStore = []; for (const store of STORE_KEYS) { compressedItemsPerStore.push( new Promise(async (resolve) => { const start =; try { const response = await fetch(`data/latest-canonical.${store}.compressed.json`); const json = await response.json(); log(`Items - loading compressed items for ${store} took ${deltaTime(start)} secs`); resolve(decompress(json)); } catch (e) { log(`Items - error while loading compressed items for ${store} ${e.message}`); resolve([]); } }) ); } const items = [].concat(...(await Promise.all(compressedItemsPerStore))); log(`Items - loaded ${items.length} items took ${deltaTime(start).toFixed(4)} secs`); this.processItems(items); } } exports.decompress = decompress; exports.Items = Items;