const fs = require("fs"); const stores = require("./stores"); const STORE_KEYS = Object.keys(stores); function grammageAnalysis() { const items = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("docker/data/latest-canonical.json")); items.sort((item) => item.priceHistory.length); for (item of items) { if (item.priceHistory.length > 2) console.log(JSON.stringify(item, null, 2)); } const units = {}; const unitsSmall = {}; for (item of items) { const tokens = item.unit ? item.unit.split(/\s+/) : []; if (tokens.length == 0) continue; if (tokens[0].charAt(0) >= "0" && tokens[0].charAt(0) <= "9") { tokens.splice(0, 1); } units[tokens.join(" ")] = item; unitsSmall[tokens[0]] = item; } console.log(JSON.stringify(Object.keys(units), null, 2)); console.log(Object.keys(units).length); console.log(JSON.stringify(Object.keys(unitsSmall), null, 2)); console.log(Object.keys(unitsSmall).length); const hofer = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("docker/data/hofer-2023-05-19.json")); const unitTypes = {}; for (item of hofer) { unitTypes[item.UnitType] = true; } console.log(JSON.stringify(unitTypes, null, 2)); { console.log("BILLA Units ==============="); const billa = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("docker/data/billa-2023-05-19.json")); const billaUnits = {}; let noGrammage = 0; let zeroTokens = 0; let zeroUnits = {}; for (item of billa) { if (! { noGrammage++; continue; } let tokens =" "); if (tokens.length > 0) { if (tokens[0].charAt(0) >= 0 && tokens[0].charAt(0) <= 9 && tokens.length >= 2) { tokens.splice(0, 1); billaUnits[tokens[0]] = billaUnits[tokens[0]] ? billaUnits[tokens[0]] + 1 : 1; } else { zeroUnits[] = zeroUnits[] ? zeroUnits[] + 1 : 1; } } else { zeroTokens++; } } console.log(JSON.stringify(billaUnits, null, 2)); console.log(`no grammage: ${noGrammage}, zero tokens: ${zeroTokens}`); console.log(JSON.stringify(zeroUnits, null, 2)); } { console.log("SPAR Units ==============="); const billa = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("docker/data/spar-2023-05-19.json")); const billaUnits = {}; let noGrammage = []; let noGrammageUnits = {}; let zeroTokens = 0; let zeroUnits = {}; for (item of billa) { let unit; if (item.masterValues["quantity-selector"]) { const [str_price, str_unit] = item.masterValues["price-per-unit"].split("/"); unit = str_unit.trim(); } else { unit = item.masterValues["short-description-3"]; } if (!unit) { noGrammage.push(item); noGrammageUnits[item.masterValues["sales-unit"]] = noGrammageUnits[item.masterValues["sales-unit"]] ? noGrammageUnits[item.masterValues["sales-unit"]] + 1 : 1; continue; } let tokens = unit.split(" "); if (tokens.length > 0) { if (tokens[0].charAt(0) >= 0 && tokens[0].charAt(0) <= 9 && tokens.length >= 2) { tokens.splice(0, 1); billaUnits[tokens[0]] = billaUnits[tokens[0]] ? billaUnits[tokens[0]] + 1 : 1; } else { zeroUnits[unit] = zeroUnits[unit] ? zeroUnits[unit] + 1 : 1; } } else { zeroTokens++; } } console.log(JSON.stringify(billaUnits, null, 2)); console.log(`no grammage: ${noGrammage.length}, zero tokens: ${zeroTokens}`); console.log(JSON.stringify(zeroUnits, null, 2)); console.log(JSON.stringify(noGrammageUnits, null, 2)); fs.writeFileSync("spar-no-grammage.json", JSON.stringify(noGrammage, null, 2)); } } function momentumCartConversion() { const items = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("docker/data/latest-canonical.json")); const lookup = {}; for (item of items) { lookup[item.sparId ? item.sparId :] = item; } const lines = fs.readFileSync("momentum-cart.csv").toString().split(/\r?\n/); const cart = { name: "Momentum Eigenmarken Vergleich", items: [], }; for (line of lines) { const [sparId, billaId] = line.split(/\s+/); const sparItem = lookup[sparId]; const billaItem = lookup[billaId]; if (!sparItem) { console.log(`Spar item ${sparId} not found`); console.log(line); continue; } if (!billaItem) { console.log(`Billa item ${billaId} not found`); console.log(line); continue; } cart.items.push(sparItem); cart.items.push(billaItem); } fs.writeFileSync("site/momentum-cart.json", JSON.stringify(cart, null, 2)); } function fixSparHistoricalData(dataDir) { const files = fs.readdirSync(dataDir).filter((file) => file.indexOf("canonical") == -1 && file.indexOf(`spar-`) == 0); console.log(files); for (file of files) { const items = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`${dataDir}/${file}`)); if (items.hits) { console.log(`Rewriting ${file}`); fs.writeFileSync(`${dataDir}/${file}`, JSON.stringify(items.hits, null, 2)); } } } const nReadlines = require("n-readlines"); function convertDossierData(dataDir, file) { console.log(`Converting ${file}`); const lookup = {}; for (item of JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`${dataDir}/latest-canonical.json`))) { lookup[ +] = item; if (item.sparId) lookup[ + "-" + item.sparId] = item; } const lines = new nReadlines(file); const itemsPerDate = {}; let line = null; const store = file.indexOf("spar") == 0 ? "spar" : "billa";; let itemsTotal = 0; let notFound = 0; while ((line = { itemsTotal++; const tokens = line.toString("utf-8").split(";"); const dateTokens = tokens[0].split("."); const date = "20" + dateTokens[2] + "-" + dateTokens[1] + "-" + dateTokens[0]; const producer = tokens[5]; const name = tokens[3]; const unit = tokens[6]; const price = Number.parseFloat(tokens[7].replace("€", "").trim().replace(",", ".")); const id = tokens[4].replace("ARTIKELNUMMER: ", "").replace("Art. Nr.: ", ""); let item = lookup[store + id]; if (!item) item = lookup[store + "-" + id]; if (!item) { // console.log("Couldn't find item " + name); notFound++; continue; } let items = itemsPerDate[date]; if (!items) itemsPerDate[date] = items = []; if (store == "spar") { items.push({ masterValues: { "code-internal":, "product-number": id, price, title: producer, "short-description": name, "short-description-3": unit, bioLevel: "", }, }); } else { items.push({ data: { articleId: id, name: name, price: { final: price, }, grammagePriceFactor: 1, grammage: unit, }, }); } } console.log("total: " + itemsTotal); console.log("not found: " + notFound); const dates = Object.keys(itemsPerDate).sort((a, b) => b.localeCompare(a)); for (date of dates) { fs.writeFileSync(`${dataDir}/${store}-${date}.json`, JSON.stringify(itemsPerDate[date], null, 2)); } console.log(`Wrote files for ${file}`); } function clownCompress(dataDir) { const items = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`${dataDir}/latest-canonical.json`)); const compressed = { stores: STORE_KEYS, n: items.length, data: [], }; const data =; for (item of items) { data.push(STORE_KEYS.indexOf(; data.push(; data.push(; data.push(item.priceHistory.length); for (price of item.priceHistory) { data.push("-", "")); data.push(price.price); } data.push(item.unit); data.push(item.quantity); data.push(item.isWeighted ? 1 : 0); data.push( ? 1 : 0); switch ( { case "billa": data.push(item.url.replace("", "")); break; case "dm": data.push(""); break; case "hofer": data.push(item.url.replace("", "")); break; case "lidl": data.push(item.url.replace("", "")); break; case "mpreis": data.push(""); break; case "spar": data.push(item.url.replace("", "")); break; case "unimarkt": data.push(item.url.replace("", "")); break; } } fs.writeFileSync(`${dataDir}/clown.json`, JSON.stringify(compressed)); } const clustering = require("./site/utils"); /*let items = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("palmolive.json")); clustering.vectorizeItems(items); let originalItems = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(items)); let sortedItems = clustering.similaritySortItems(items); for (item of sortedItems) { console.log(`${} - ${} - ${item.quantity} ${item.unit}`); }*/ /* let clusters = clustering.cluster(items); let clusters = clustering.cluster(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("kellyssmall.json"))); for (cluster of clusters) { for (item of cluster.items) { console.log(`${} - ${} - ${item.quantity} ${item.unit} - ${item.similarity}`); } console.log("--------"); }*/ // clownCompress("data"); // momentumCartConversion(); // convertDossierData("data", "spar-2020.csv"); // convertDossierData("data", "billa-2020.csv"); (async () => { // let items = await stores.reweDe.fetchData(); let items = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("tmp/reweDe-2023-05-31.json")); for (item of items) stores.reweDe.getCanonical(item); })();