const { start } = require("repl"); const { deltaTime } = require("./misc"); const { stem } = require("./stem"); const { hyphenateSync } = require("hyphen/de"); const whitespaceRegex = /[^\p{Letter}\s]|_/gu; const whitespaceRegex2 = /\s+/; const isNumber = /^\d+\.\d+$/; let dictionary = new Set(); exports.tokenize = (str) => { const name = str.toLowerCase().replace(whitespaceRegex, " ").replace("erdapfel", "kartoffel").replace("erdäpfel", "kartoffeln"); return name .split(whitespaceRegex2) .filter((token) => !isNumber.test(token) && token.length > 0) .flatMap((token) => { const hyphens = hyphenateSync(token, { hyphenChar: "*" }).split("*"); const newTokens = []; let i = 0; while (i < hyphens.length) { let longestMatch = null; let nextIndex = -1; let match = ""; for (let j = i; j < hyphens.length; j++) { match += hyphens[j]; if (dictionary.has(match)) { longestMatch = match; nextIndex = j + 1; } } if (!longestMatch) { i++; } else { newTokens.push(longestMatch); i = nextIndex; } } return [token, ...newTokens]; }) .map((token) => stem(token)); }; exports.index = (items) => { const start =; const index = { docs: [], totalDocLength: 0, averageDocLength: 0, words: {}, k1: 1.3, b: 0.75, }; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { const item = items[i]; const tokens = this.tokenize(; const doc = { id: +, body:, words: {}, wordCount: tokens.length, }; const words = doc.words; for (const token of tokens) { let word = words[token]; if (!word) { word = words[token] = { count: 0, frequency: 0, }; } word.count++; } for (const key in words) { const word = words[key]; word.frequency = word.count / doc.wordCount; let indexWord = index.words[key]; if (!indexWord) { indexWord = index.words[key] = { docs: [], idf: 0, }; }; }; index.totalDocLength += tokens.length; index.averageDocLength = index.totalDocLength /; } var keys = Object.keys(index.words); for (const key of keys) { var num = - index.words[key].docs.length + 0.5; var denom = index.words[key].docs.length + 0.5; index.words[key].idf = Math.max(Math.log10(num / denom), 0.01); } return index; }; = (index, query) => { const tokens = this.tokenize(query); const results = []; const candidateDocs = new Set(); for (const token of tokens) { const word = index.words[token]; if (word) { for (const doc of candidateDocs.add(doc); } } for (const docId of candidateDocs) { const doc =[docId]; doc.score = 0; for (const token of tokens) { if (!index.words[token]) continue; if (!doc.words[token]) continue; const idf = index.words[token].idf; const num = doc.words[token].count * (index.k1 + 1); const denom = doc.words[token].count + index.k1 * (1 - index.b + (index.b * doc.wordCount) / index.averageDocLength); doc.score += (idf * num) / denom; } if (!isNaN(doc.score) && doc.score > 0) { results.push(doc); } } results.sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score); return results; }; if (require.main === module) { const fs = require("fs"); const { readJSON } = require("../../analysis"); let items = readJSON("data/"); if (items.items) items = items.items; const dictionaryItems = fs .readFileSync("site/data/dictionary-de.txt") .toString() .split("\n") .filter((line) => !line.includes("#")); dictionary = new Set(dictionaryItems); console.log("Indexing ..."); const start =; const index = exports.index(items); console.log(`Building index took: ${deltaTime(start)}`); console.log(`Words: ${Object.keys(index.words).length}`); const readline = require("readline-sync"); while (true) { const query = readline.question("> "); const result =, query); for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(result.length, 20); i++) { const doc = result[i]; console.log(`${doc.score} ${doc.body}`); } console.log(`${result.length} results`); } }