const axios = require("axios"); const utils = require("./utils"); const HTMLParser = require("node-html-parser"); const units = { mbe: { unit: "wg", factor: 1 }, }; exports.getBipaCategoryPages = async () => { const categoryPages = []; var res = await axios.get(`${exports.urlBase}/sitemap_2-category.xml`, { validateStatus: function (status) { return status >= 200 && status < 300; }, }); if (res && { let pages =[\s]*/gm, "").match(/(.*?)<\/url>/gm); pages = pages.filter((page) => /(daily|weekly)<\/changefreq>/g.test(page)); // only return pages which change daily or weekly ("monthly" are mainly seo, brand or offer pages) pages = => page.match(/(.*)<\/loc>/gm)[0]); pages = => page.replace(/<\/{0,1}loc>/g, "")); // remove xml-tags pages = pages.filter((page) => /\/c\/.*\/.{1,}/g.test(page)); // only return 2nd level category pages (level 1 is mostly landing pages or some special offer pages) categoryPages.push(...pages); } return categoryPages; }; exports.getCanonical = function (item, today) { let [quantity, unit] = utils.parseUnitAndQuantityAtEnd(item.unit); return utils.convertUnit( { id:, name:, // description: "", not available price: item.price, priceHistory: [{ date: today, price: item.price }], quantity, unit, bio:"bio"), url: item.canonicalUrl, }, units, "bipa", { unit: "stk", quantity: 1, } ); }; exports.fetchData = async function () { let bipaItems = []; const BIPA_CATEGORIES = await exports.getBipaCategoryPages(); for (let categoryPageRawUrl of BIPA_CATEGORIES) { const res = await axios.get(`${categoryPageRawUrl}?start=0&sz=1000`, { validateStatus: function (status) { return status >= 200 && status < 300; }, }); if (res && { const root = HTMLParser.parse(; root.querySelectorAll(".product-tile-card").forEach((product) => { const gtmdataRaw = product._attrs["data-gtmdata"]; if (gtmdataRaw && gtmdataRaw !== "undefined") { const canonicalUrl = product.querySelector("a.stretched-link")._attrs["href"]; try { const gtmdata = JSON.parse(gtmdataRaw); bipaItems.push({ id:, name:, price: parseFloat(gtmdata.price), unit: product.querySelector(".product-info").text.replace("Inhalt:").trim(), canonicalUrl: canonicalUrl, category: gtmdata.category, }); } catch (error) { console.log(`Error parsing json on ${categoryPageRawUrl} for product: ${canonicalUrl}`); } } }); } } return bipaItems; }; exports.initializeCategoryMapping = async () => { let categories = []; const BIPA_CATEGORIES = await exports.getBipaCategoryPages(); for (let categoryPageRawUrl of BIPA_CATEGORIES) { const res = await axios.get(`${categoryPageRawUrl}?start=0&sz=1`, { // sz=1 (one item) because we don't need much products here for faster loading validateStatus: function (status) { return status >= 200 && status < 300; }, }); if (res && { const categoryId = /\?cgid=(.*)"/gm.exec(; if (categoryId && categoryId[1]) { categories.push({ id: categoryId[1], description: null, url: categoryPageRawUrl, code: null, }); } } } // sort alphabetically for easier category mapping categories.sort((a, b) =>; utils.mergeAndSaveCategories("bipa", categories); exports.categoryLookup = {}; for (const category of categories) { exports.categoryLookup[] = category; } }; exports.mapCategory = (rawItem) => { return exports.categoryLookup[rawItem.category]?.code; }; exports.urlBase = "";