const axios = require("axios"); const utils = require("./utils"); const HTMLParser = require("node-html-parser"); const HITS = Math.floor(30000 + Math.random() * 2000); const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const units = { "100ml": { unit: "ml", factor: 100 }, "500ml": { unit: "ml", factor: 100 }, "100g": { unit: "g", factor: 100 }, }; exports.getCanonical = function (item, today) { let price, unit, quantity; if (item.masterValues["quantity-selector"]) { const [str_price, str_unit] = item.masterValues["price-per-unit"].split("/"); price = parseFloat(str_price.replace("€", "")); } else { price = item.masterValues.price; } let description = item.masterValues["short-description-3"] ?? item.masterValues["short-description-2"]; if (!description || description.length == 0) { description = (item.masterValues["short-description"] ??; if (description.endsWith("per kg")) [quantity, unit] = [1, "kg"]; else if (description.endsWith("im topf")) [quantity, unit] = [1, "kg"]; else [quantity, unit] = [1, "stk."]; } else { const s = description.replace(" EINWEG", "").replace(" MEHRWEG", "").replace("per kg", "1 kg").trim().replace(".", ""); const q = utils.parseUnitAndQuantityAtEnd(s); quantity = q[0]; unit = q[1]; } let fallback; if (item.masterValues["price-per-unit"]) { let [unitPrice, unit_] = item.masterValues["price-per-unit"].split("/"); unitPrice = parseFloat(unitPrice.replace("€", "")); fallback = { quantity: parseFloat((price / unitPrice).toFixed(3)), unit: unit_.toLowerCase(), }; } else { // Needed for Dossier data fallback = { quantity: 1, unit: "kg", }; } const isWeighted = item.masterValues["item-type"] === "WeightProduct"; if (isWeighted) { unit = fallback.unit; quantity = fallback.quantity; } return utils.convertUnit( { id: item.masterValues["product-number"], name: item.masterValues.title + " " + (item.masterValues["short-description"] ??, description: item.masterValues["marketing-text"] ?? "", price, priceHistory: [{ date: today, price }], unit, quantity, isWeighted, bio: item.masterValues.biolevel === "Bio", }, units, "spar", fallback ); }; exports.fetchData = async function () { const SPAR_SEARCH = `*&q=*&page=1&hitsPerPage=${HITS}`; const rawItems = (await axios.get(SPAR_SEARCH)).data.hits; return rawItems?.hits || rawItems; }; exports.initializeCategoryMapping = async () => { let categories = null; try { const result = (await axios.get("")).data; const root = HTMLParser.parse(result); categories = Array.from(root.querySelectorAll(`.flyout-categories__link`)) .filter((el) => !(el.innerText.toLowerCase().includes("übersicht") || el.innerText.toLowerCase().includes("zurück"))) .map((el) => { const paths = el.attributes.href.split("/"); const id = paths[paths.length - 2]; return { id, description: el.innerText.trim(), url: `${id}`, code: null, }; }); } catch (e) { console.log("Couldn't fetch SPAR categories."); const mappingFile = path.join(__dirname, `spar-categories.json`); categories = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(mappingFile)); } utils.mergeAndSaveCategories("spar", categories); exports.categoryLookup = {}; for (const category of categories) { exports.categoryLookup[] = category; } }; exports.mapCategory = (rawItem) => { if (!rawItem.masterValues["category-path"]) return null; const categoryLookup = exports.categoryLookup; if (!categoryLookup) throw Error("Category mapping for spar not initialized."); const regex = /F(\d+)-(\d+)/g; const categoryPaths = rawItem.masterValues["category-path"] .filter((p) => { const match = regex.exec(p); if (match == null) return false; if (Number.parseInt(match[1]) > 13) return false; return true; }) .map((p) => p[0]); if (categoryPaths.length == 0) return null; categoryPaths.sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length); let categoryCode = null; for (const path of categoryPaths) { if (categoryLookup[path]) { categoryCode = categoryLookup[path]; break; } } const longestPath = categoryPaths[0].split("-"); for (let i = longestPath.length; i > 0; i--) { const path = longestPath.slice(0, i).join("-"); if (categoryLookup[path] && categoryLookup[path].code) { categoryCode = categoryLookup[path]; break; } } return categoryCode.code; }; exports.urlBase = ""; if (require.main == module) { (async () => { await exports.generateCategoryMapping(); })(); }