const { STORE_KEYS, stores } = require("./stores"); const { Model } = require("./model"); const { log } = require("../js/misc"); class Settings extends Model { constructor() { super(); this.startDate = "2017-01-01"; this.chartType = "stepped"; STORE_KEYS.forEach((store) => { this[store] = stores[store].defaultChecked; }); this.onlyAvailable = true; let settings = localStorage.getItem("settings"); if (settings) { settings = JSON.parse(settings); for (const prop of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(settings)) { this[prop] = settings[prop]; } } } save() { const settings = {}; for (const prop of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { if (prop.startsWith("_")) continue; settings[prop] = this[prop]; } localStorage.setItem("settings", JSON.stringify(settings)); } } exports.Settings = Settings;