let changeDates = []; let items = []; async function load() { const today = currentDate(); const response = await fetch("api/index") items = await response.json(); items.sort((a, b) => { if (a.store < b.store) { return -1; } else if (a.store > b.store) { return 1; } if (a.name < b.name) { return -1; } else if (a.name > b.name) { return 1; } return 0; }); document.querySelector("#date").innerText = "Preisänderungen am " + currentDate(); showResults(items, currentDate()); document.querySelector("#billa").addEventListener("change", () => showResults(items, currentDate())); document.querySelector("#hofer").addEventListener("change", () => showResults(items, currentDate())); document.querySelector("#spar").addEventListener("change", () => showResults(items, currentDate())); document.querySelector("#increases").addEventListener("change", () => showResults(items, currentDate())); document.querySelector("#decreases").addEventListener("change", () => showResults(items, currentDate())); } function showResults(items, today) { const increases = document.querySelector("#increases").checked; const decreases = document.querySelector("#decreases").checked; const billa = document.querySelector("#billa").checked; const spar = document.querySelector("#spar").checked; const hofer = document.querySelector("#hofer").checked; const fullHistory = true; const changedItems = []; for (item of items) { if (item.priceHistory.length < 2) continue; for (let i = 0; i < item.priceHistory.length; i++) { if (item.store == "billa" && !billa) continue; if (item.store == "spar" && !spar) continue; if (item.store == "hofer" && !hofer) continue; if (item.priceHistory[i].date == today && i + 1 < item.priceHistory.length) { if (increases && (item.priceHistory[i].price > item.priceHistory[i + 1].price)) changedItems.push(item); if (decreases && (item.priceHistory[i].price < item.priceHistory[i + 1].price)) changedItems.push(item); } } } const table = document.querySelector("#result"); table.innerHTML = ""; const header = dom("tr", ` KetteNameMengePreis 📈 `) const showHideAll = header.querySelectorAll('th:nth-child(4)')[0]; showHideAll.style["cursor"] = "pointer"; showHideAll.showAll = true; showHideAll.addEventListener("click", () => { table.querySelectorAll(".priceinfo").forEach(el => showHideAll.showAll ? el.classList.remove("hide") : el.classList.add("hide")); showHideAll.showAll = !showHideAll.showAll; }) table.appendChild(header); for (item of changedItems) { item = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item)); table.appendChild(itemToDOM(item)); } } load();