#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ This is a simple program that will insert some regular file into the root commit(s) of history, e.g. adding a file named LICENSE or COPYING to the first commit. It also rewrites commit hashes in commit messages to update them based on these changes. """ """ Please see the ***** API BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY CAVEAT ***** near the top of git-filter-repo. """ # Technically, this program could be replaced by a one-liner: # git filter-repo --force --commit-callback "if not commit.parents: commit.file_changes.append(FileChange(b'M', $PATHNAME, $(git hash-object -w $FILENAME), 100644))" # but let's do it as a full-fledged program that imports git_filter_repo # anyway... import argparse import os import subprocess try: import git_filter_repo as fr except ImportError: raise SystemExit("Error: Couldn't find git_filter_repo.py. Did you forget to make a symlink to git-filter-repo named git_filter_repo.py or did you forget to put the latter in your PYTHONPATH?") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Add a file to the root commit(s) of history') parser.add_argument('--file', type=os.fsencode, help=("Path to file whose contents should be added to root commit(s)")) args = parser.parse_args() if not args.file: raise SystemExit("Error: Need to specify the --file option") fhash = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'hash-object', '-w', args.file]).strip() fmode = b'100755' if os.access(args.file, os.X_OK) else b'100644' # FIXME: I've assumed the file wasn't a directory or symlink... def fixup_commits(commit, metadata): if len(commit.parents) == 0: commit.file_changes.append(fr.FileChange(b'M', args.file, fhash, fmode)) # FIXME: What if the history already had a file matching the given name, # but which didn't exist until later in history? Is the intent for the # user to keep the other version that existed when it existed, or to # overwrite the version for all of history with the specified file? I # don't know, but if it's the latter, we'd need to add an 'else' clause # like the following: #else: # commit.file_changes = [x for x in commit.file_changes # if x.filename != args.file] fr_args = fr.FilteringOptions.parse_args(['--preserve-commit-encoding', '--force', '--replace-refs', 'update-no-add']) filter = fr.RepoFilter(fr_args, commit_callback=fixup_commits) filter.run()