#!/usr/bin/env python """ Simple program for filtering git repositories, similar to git filter-branch, BFG repo cleaner, and others. The basic idea is that it works by running git fast-export | filter | git fast-import where this program not only launches the whole pipeline but also serves as the 'filter' in the middle. It does a few additional things on top as well in order to make it into a well-rounded filtering tool. """ from __future__ import print_function import argparse import collections import fnmatch import os import re import subprocess import sys import textwrap from email.Utils import unquote from datetime import tzinfo, timedelta, datetime __all__ = ["Blob", "Reset", "FileChanges", "Commit", "Tag", "Progress", "Checkpoint", "FastExportFilter", "FixedTimeZone", "fast_export_output", "fast_import_input", "get_commit_count", "get_total_objects", "record_id_rename"] def _timedelta_to_seconds(delta): """ Converts timedelta to seconds """ offset = delta.days*86400 + delta.seconds + (delta.microseconds+0.0)/1000000 return round(offset) def _write_date(file_, date): """ Writes a date to a file. The file should already be open. The date is written as seconds-since-epoch followed by the name of the timezone. """ epoch = datetime.fromtimestamp(0, date.tzinfo) file_.write('%d %s' % (_timedelta_to_seconds(date - epoch), date.tzinfo.tzname(0))) class FixedTimeZone(tzinfo): """ Fixed offset in minutes east from UTC. """ def __init__(self, offset_string): tzinfo.__init__(self) minus, hh, mm = re.match(r'^([-+]?)(\d\d)(\d\d)$', offset_string).groups() sign = minus and -1 or 1 self._offset = timedelta(minutes = sign*(60*int(hh) + int(mm))) self._offset_string = offset_string def utcoffset(self, dt): return self._offset def tzname(self, dt): return self._offset_string def dst(self, dt): return timedelta(0) class AncestryGraph(object): """ A class that maintains a direct acycle graph of commits for the purpose of determining if one commit is the ancestor of another. """ def __init__(self): self.cur_value = 0 # A mapping from the external identifers given to us to the simple integers # we use in self.graph self.value = {} # A tuple of (depth, list-of-ancestors). Values and keys in this graph are # all integers from the self.value dict. The depth of a commit is one more # than the max depth of any of its ancestors. self.graph = {} def add_commit_and_parents(self, commit, parents): """ Record in graph that commit has the given parents. parents _MUST_ have been first recorded. commit _MUST_ not have been recorded yet. """ assert all(p in self.value for p in parents) assert commit not in self.value # Get values for commit and parents self.cur_value += 1 self.value[commit] = self.cur_value graph_parents = [self.value[x] for x in parents] # Determine depth for commit, then insert the info into the graph depth = 1 if parents: depth += max(self.graph[p][0] for p in graph_parents) self.graph[self.cur_value] = (depth, graph_parents) def is_ancestor(self, possible_ancestor, check): """ Return whether possible_ancestor is an ancestor of check """ a, b = self.value[possible_ancestor], self.value[check] a_depth = self.graph[a][0] ancestors = [b] visited = set() while ancestors: ancestor = ancestors.pop() if ancestor in visited: continue visited.add(ancestor) depth, more_ancestors = self.graph[ancestor] if ancestor == a: return True elif depth <= a_depth: continue ancestors.extend(more_ancestors) return False class _IDs(object): """ A class that maintains the 'name domain' of all the 'marks' (short int id for a blob/commit git object). The reason this mechanism is necessary is because the text of fast-export may refer to an object using a different mark than the mark that was assigned to that object using IDS.new(). This class allows you to translate the fast-export marks (old) to the marks assigned from IDS.new() (new). Note that there are two reasons why the marks may differ: (1) The user manually creates Blob or Commit objects (for insertion into the stream) (2) We're reading the data from two different repositories and trying to combine the data (git fast-export will number ids from 1...n, and having two 1's, two 2's, two 3's, causes issues). """ def __init__(self): """ Init """ # The id for the next created blob/commit object self._next_id = 1 # A map of old-ids to new-ids (1:1 map) self._translation = {} # A map of new-ids to every old-id that points to the new-id (1:N map) self._reverse_translation = {} def new(self): """ Should be called whenever a new blob or commit object is created. The returned value should be used as the id/mark for that object. """ rv = self._next_id self._next_id += 1 return rv def record_rename(self, old_id, new_id, handle_transitivity = False): """ Record that old_id is being renamed to new_id. """ if old_id != new_id: # old_id -> new_id self._translation[old_id] = new_id # Transitivity will be needed if new commits are being inserted mid-way # through a branch. if handle_transitivity: # Anything that points to old_id should point to new_id if old_id in self._reverse_translation: for id_ in self._reverse_translation[old_id]: self._translation[id_] = new_id # Record that new_id is pointed to by old_id if new_id not in self._reverse_translation: self._reverse_translation[new_id] = [] self._reverse_translation[new_id].append(old_id) def translate(self, old_id): """ If old_id has been mapped to an alternate id, return the alternate id. """ if old_id in self._translation: return self._translation[old_id] else: return old_id def __str__(self): """ Convert IDs to string; used for debugging """ rv = "Current count: %d\nTranslation:\n" % self._next_id for k in sorted(self._translation): rv += " %d -> %d\n" % (k, self._translation[k]) rv += "Reverse translation:\n" for k in sorted(self._reverse_translation): rv += " " + str(k) + " -> " + str(self._reverse_translation[k]) + "\n" return rv def _avoid_ids_below(self, skip_value): """ Make sure that we don't use ids <= skip_value """ self._next_id = max(self._next_id, skip_value + 1) class _GitElement(object): """ The base class for all git elements that we create. """ def __init__(self): # A string that describes what type of Git element this is self.type = None # A flag telling us if this Git element has been dumped # (i.e. printed) or skipped. Typically elements that have been # dumped or skipped will not be dumped again. self.dumped = 0 def dump(self, file_): """ This version should never be called. Derived classes need to override! We should note that subclasses should implement this method such that the output would match the format produced by fast-export. """ raise SystemExit("Unimplemented function: %s.dump()" % type(self).__name__) def skip(self, new_id=None): """ Ensures this element will not be written to output """ self.dumped = 2 class _GitElementWithId(_GitElement): """ The base class for Git elements that have IDs (commits and blobs) """ def __init__(self): _GitElement.__init__(self) # The mark (short, portable id) for this element self.id = _IDS.new() # The previous mark for this element self.old_id = None def skip(self, new_id=None): """ This element will no longer be automatically written to output. When a commit gets skipped, it's ID will need to be translated to that of its parent. """ self.dumped = 2 _IDS.record_rename(self.old_id or self.id, new_id) class Blob(_GitElementWithId): """ This class defines our representation of git blob elements (i.e. our way of representing file contents). """ def __init__(self, data): _GitElementWithId.__init__(self) # Denote that this is a blob self.type = 'blob' # Stores the blob's data self.data = data def dump(self, file_): """ Write this blob element to a file. """ self.dumped = 1 file_.write('blob\n') file_.write('mark :%d\n' % self.id) file_.write('data %d\n%s' % (len(self.data), self.data)) file_.write('\n') class Reset(_GitElement): """ This class defines our representation of git reset elements. A reset event is the creation (or recreation) of a named branch, optionally starting from a specific revision). """ def __init__(self, ref, from_ref = None): _GitElement.__init__(self) # Denote that this is a reset self.type = 'reset' # The name of the branch being (re)created self.ref = ref # Some reference to the branch/commit we are resetting from self.from_ref = from_ref def dump(self, file_): """ Write this reset element to a file """ self.dumped = 1 file_.write('reset %s\n' % self.ref) if self.from_ref: file_.write('from :%d\n' % self.from_ref) file_.write('\n') class FileChanges(_GitElement): """ This class defines our representation of file change elements. File change elements are components within a Commit element. """ def __init__(self, type_, filename, id_ = None, mode = None): _GitElement.__init__(self) # Denote the type of file-change (M for modify, D for delete, etc) self.type = type_ # Record the name of the file being changed self.filename = filename # Record the mode (mode describes type of file entry (non-executable, # executable, or symlink)). self.mode = None # blob_id is the id (mark) of the affected blob self.blob_id = None # For 'M' file changes (modify), expect to have id and mode if type_ == 'M': if mode is None: raise SystemExit("file mode and idnum needed for %s" % filename) self.mode = mode self.blob_id = id_ def dump(self, file_): """ Write this file-change element to a file """ skipped_blob = (self.type == 'M' and self.blob_id is None) if skipped_blob: return self.dumped = 1 if self.type == 'M' and isinstance(self.blob_id, int): file_.write('M %s :%d %s\n' % (self.mode, self.blob_id, self.filename)) elif self.type == 'M': file_.write('M %s %s %s\n' % (self.mode, self.blob_id, self.filename)) elif self.type == 'D': file_.write('D %s\n' % self.filename) else: raise SystemExit("Unhandled filechange type: %s" % self.type) class Commit(_GitElementWithId): """ This class defines our representation of commit elements. Commit elements contain all the information associated with a commit. """ def __init__(self, branch, author_name, author_email, author_date, committer_name, committer_email, committer_date, message, file_changes, from_commit = None, merge_commits = [], **kwargs): _GitElementWithId.__init__(self) # Denote that this is a commit element self.type = 'commit' # Record the affected branch self.branch = branch # Record author's name self.author_name = author_name # Record author's email self.author_email = author_email # Record date of authoring self.author_date = author_date # Record committer's name self.committer_name = committer_name # Record committer's email self.committer_email = committer_email # Record date the commit was made self.committer_date = committer_date # Record commit message self.message = message # List of file-changes associated with this commit. Note that file-changes # are also represented as git elements self.file_changes = file_changes # Record the commit to initialize this branch from. This revision will be # the first parent of the new commit self.from_commit = from_commit # Record additional parent commits self.merge_commits = merge_commits # Member below is necessary for workaround fast-import's/fast-export's # weird handling of merges. self.stream_number = 0 if "stream_number" in kwargs: self.stream_number = kwargs["stream_number"] def dump(self, file_): """ Write this commit element to a file. """ self.dumped = 1 # Workaround fast-import/fast-export weird handling of merges if self.stream_number != _CURRENT_STREAM_NUMBER: _EXTRA_CHANGES[self.id] = [[change for change in self.file_changes]] merge_extra_changes = [] for parent in self.merge_commits: if parent in _EXTRA_CHANGES: merge_extra_changes += _EXTRA_CHANGES[parent] for additional_changes in merge_extra_changes: self.file_changes += additional_changes if self.stream_number == _CURRENT_STREAM_NUMBER: parent_extra_changes = [] if self.from_commit and self.from_commit in _EXTRA_CHANGES: parent_extra_changes = _EXTRA_CHANGES[self.from_commit] parent_extra_changes += merge_extra_changes _EXTRA_CHANGES[self.id] = parent_extra_changes # End workaround file_.write('commit %s\n' % self.branch) file_.write('mark :%d\n' % self.id) file_.write('author %s <%s> ' % (self.author_name, self.author_email)) _write_date(file_, self.author_date) file_.write('\n') file_.write('committer %s <%s> ' % \ (self.committer_name, self.committer_email)) _write_date(file_, self.committer_date) file_.write('\n') file_.write('data %d\n%s' % (len(self.message), self.message)) if self.from_commit: mark = ':' if isinstance(self.from_commit, int) else '' file_.write('from {}{}\n'.format(mark, self.from_commit)) for ref in self.merge_commits: mark = ':' if isinstance(ref, int) else '' file_.write('merge {}{}\n'.format(mark, ref)) for change in self.file_changes: change.dump(file_) file_.write('\n') def get_parents(self): """ Return all parent commits """ my_parents = [] if self.from_commit: my_parents.append(self.from_commit) my_parents += self.merge_commits return my_parents def first_parent(self): """ Return first parent commit """ my_parents = self.get_parents() if my_parents: return my_parents[0] return None class Tag(_GitElement): """ This class defines our representation of annotated tag elements. """ def __init__(self, ref, from_ref, tagger_name, tagger_email, tagger_date, tag_msg): _GitElement.__init__(self) # Denote that this is a tag element self.type = 'tag' # Store the name of the tag self.ref = ref # Store the entity being tagged (this should be a commit) self.from_ref = from_ref # Store the name of the tagger self.tagger_name = tagger_name # Store the email of the tagger self.tagger_email = tagger_email # Store the date self.tagger_date = tagger_date # Store the tag message self.tag_message = tag_msg def dump(self, file_): """ Write this tag element to a file """ self.dumped = 1 file_.write('tag %s\n' % self.ref) mark = ':' if isinstance(self.from_ref, int) else '' file_.write('from {}{}\n'.format(mark, self.from_ref)) file_.write('tagger %s <%s> ' % (self.tagger_name, self.tagger_email)) _write_date(file_, self.tagger_date) file_.write('\n') file_.write('data %d\n%s' % (len(self.tag_message), self.tag_message)) file_.write('\n') class Progress(_GitElement): """ This class defines our representation of progress elements. The progress element only contains a progress message, which is printed by fast-import when it processes the progress output. """ def __init__(self, message): _GitElement.__init__(self) # Denote that this is a progress element self.type = 'progress' # Store the progress message self.message = message def dump(self, file_): """ Write this progress element to a file """ self.dumped = 1 file_.write('progress %s\n' % self.message) #file_.write('\n') class Checkpoint(_GitElement): """ This class defines our representation of checkpoint elements. These elements represent events which force fast-import to close the current packfile, start a new one, and to save out all current branch refs, tags and marks. """ def __init__(self): _GitElement.__init__(self) # Denote that this is a checkpoint element self.type = 'checkpoint' def dump(self, file_): """ Write this checkpoint element to a file """ self.dumped = 1 file_.write('checkpoint\n') file_.write('\n') class LiteralCommand(_GitElement): """ This class defines our representation of commands. The literal command includes only a single line, and is not processed in any special way. """ def __init__(self, line): _GitElement.__init__(self) # Denote that this is a literal element self.type = 'literal' # Store the command self.line = line def dump(self, file_): """ Write this progress element to a file """ self.dumped = 1 file_.write(self.line) class FastExportFilter(object): """ A class for parsing and handling the output from fast-export. This class allows the user to register callbacks when various types of data are encountered in the fast-export output. The basic idea is that, FastExportFilter takes fast-export output, creates the various objects as it encounters them, the user gets to use/modify these objects via callbacks, and finally FastExportFilter outputs the modified objects in fast-import format (presumably so they can be used to create a new repo). """ def __init__(self, tag_callback = None, commit_callback = None, blob_callback = None, progress_callback = None, reset_callback = None, checkpoint_callback = None, everything_callback = None): # Members below simply store callback functions for the various git # elements self._tag_callback = tag_callback self._blob_callback = blob_callback self._reset_callback = reset_callback self._commit_callback = commit_callback self._progress_callback = progress_callback self._checkpoint_callback = checkpoint_callback self._everything_callback = everything_callback # A list of all the refs we've seen, plus any mark we need to set them # to if the last (or even only) commit on that branch was pruned self._seen_refs = {} # A tuple of (depth, list-of-ancestors). Commits and ancestors are # identified by their id (their 'mark' in fast-export or fast-import # speak). The depth of a commit is one more than the max depth of any # of its ancestors. self._graph = AncestryGraph() # A set of commit hash pairs (oldhash, newhash) which used to be merge # commits but due to filtering were turned into non-merge commits. # The commits probably have suboptimal commit messages (e.g. "Merge branch # next into master"). self._commits_no_longer_merges = [] # A handle to the input source for the fast-export data self._input = None # A handle to the output file for the output we generate (we call dump # on many of the git elements we create). self._output = None # Stores the contents of the current line of input being parsed self._currentline = '' # Stores a translation of ids, useful when reading the output of a second # or third (or etc.) git fast-export output stream self._id_offset = 0 # Whether we've run our post-processing extra commands self._finalize_handled = False def _advance_currentline(self): """ Grab the next line of input """ self._currentline = self._input.readline() def _parse_optional_mark(self): """ If the current line contains a mark, parse it and advance to the next line; return None otherwise """ mark = None matches = re.match('mark :(\d+)\n$', self._currentline) if matches: mark = int(matches.group(1))+self._id_offset self._advance_currentline() return mark def _parse_optional_parent_ref(self, refname): """ If the current line contains a reference to a parent commit, then parse it and advance the current line; otherwise return None. Note that the name of the reference ('from', 'merge') must match the refname arg. """ baseref = None matches = re.match('%s :(\d+)\n' % refname, self._currentline) if matches: # We translate the parent commit mark to what it needs to be in # our mark namespace baseref = _IDS.translate( int(matches.group(1))+self._id_offset ) self._advance_currentline() else: matches = re.match('%s ([0-9a-f]{40})\n' % refname, self._currentline) if matches: baseref = matches.group(1) self._advance_currentline() return baseref def _parse_optional_filechange(self): """ If the current line contains a file-change object, then parse it and advance the current line; otherwise return None. We only care about file changes of type 'M' and 'D' (these are the only types of file-changes that fast-export will provide). """ filechange = None if self._currentline.startswith('M '): (mode, idnum, path) = \ re.match('M (\d+) (?::?([0-9a-f]{40}|\d+)) (.*)\n$', self._currentline).groups() # We translate the idnum to our id system if len(idnum) != 40: idnum = _IDS.translate( int(idnum)+self._id_offset ) if idnum is not None: if path.startswith('"'): path = unquote(path) filechange = FileChanges('M', path, idnum, mode) else: filechange = 'skipped' self._advance_currentline() elif self._currentline.startswith('D '): path = self._currentline[2:-1] if path.startswith('"'): path = unquote(path) filechange = FileChanges('D', path) self._advance_currentline() return filechange def _parse_ref_line(self, refname): """ Parses string data (often a branch name) from current-line. The name of the string data must match the refname arg. The program will crash if current-line does not match, so current-line will always be advanced if this method returns. """ matches = re.match('%s (.*)\n$' % refname, self._currentline) if not matches: raise SystemExit("Malformed %s line: '%s'" % (refname, self._currentline)) ref = matches.group(1) self._advance_currentline() return ref def _parse_user(self, usertype): """ Get user name, email, datestamp from current-line. Current-line will be advanced. """ (name, email, when) = \ re.match('%s (.*?) <(.*?)> (.*)\n$' % usertype, self._currentline).groups() # Translate when into a datetime object, with corresponding timezone info (unix_timestamp, tz_offset) = when.split() datestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(unix_timestamp), FixedTimeZone(tz_offset)) self._advance_currentline() return (name, email, datestamp) def _parse_data(self): """ Reads data from _input. Current-line will be advanced until it is beyond the data. """ size = int(re.match('data (\d+)\n$', self._currentline).group(1)) data = self._input.read(size) self._advance_currentline() if self._currentline == '\n': self._advance_currentline() return data def _parse_blob(self): """ Parse input data into a Blob object. Once the Blob has been created, it will be handed off to the appropriate callbacks. Current-line will be advanced until it is beyond this blob's data. The Blob will be dumped to _output once everything else is done (unless it has been skipped by the callback). """ # Parse the Blob self._advance_currentline() id_ = self._parse_optional_mark() data = self._parse_data() if self._currentline == '\n': self._advance_currentline() # Create the blob blob = Blob(data) # If fast-export text had a mark for this blob, need to make sure this # mark translates to the blob's true id. if id_: blob.old_id = id_ _IDS.record_rename(id_, blob.id) # Call any user callback to allow them to use/modify the blob if self._blob_callback: self._blob_callback(blob) if self._everything_callback: self._everything_callback('blob', blob) # Now print the resulting blob if not blob.dumped: blob.dump(self._output) def _parse_reset(self): """ Parse input data into a Reset object. Once the Reset has been created, it will be handed off to the appropriate callbacks. Current-line will be advanced until it is beyond the reset data. The Reset will be dumped to _output once everything else is done (unless it has been skipped by the callback). """ # Parse the Reset ref = self._parse_ref_line('reset') self._seen_refs[ref] = None from_ref = self._parse_optional_parent_ref('from') if self._currentline == '\n': self._advance_currentline() # Create the reset reset = Reset(ref, from_ref) # Call any user callback to allow them to modify the reset if self._reset_callback: self._reset_callback(reset) if self._everything_callback: self._everything_callback('reset', reset) # Now print the resulting reset if not reset.dumped: reset.dump(self._output) def _parse_commit(self, fast_import_pipes): """ Parse input data into a Commit object. Once the Commit has been created, it will be handed off to the appropriate callbacks. Current-line will be advanced until it is beyond the commit data. The Commit will be dumped to _output once everything else is done (unless it has been skipped by the callback OR the callback has removed all file-changes from the commit). """ # Parse the Commit. This may look involved, but it's pretty simple; it only # looks bad because a commit object contains many pieces of data. branch = self._parse_ref_line('commit') self._seen_refs[branch] = None id_ = self._parse_optional_mark() author_name = None if self._currentline.startswith('author'): (author_name, author_email, author_date) = self._parse_user('author') (committer_name, committer_email, committer_date) = \ self._parse_user('committer') if not author_name: (author_name, author_email, author_date) = \ (committer_name, committer_email, committer_date) commit_msg = self._parse_data() parents = [] parents.append(self._parse_optional_parent_ref('from')) merge_ref = self._parse_optional_parent_ref('merge') while merge_ref: parents.append(merge_ref) merge_ref = self._parse_optional_parent_ref('merge') was_merge = len(parents) > 1 # Remove redundant parents (if both sides of history are empty commits, # the most recent ancestor on both sides may be the same commit). parents = collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(parents).keys() # Flatten unnecessary merges. (If one side of history is entirely # empty commits that were pruned, we may end up attempting to # merge a commit with its ancestor. Remove parents that are an # ancestor of another parent.) num_original_parents = len(parents) check_merge_now_empty = False if num_original_parents > 1: to_remove = [] for cur in xrange(num_original_parents): for other in xrange(num_original_parents): if cur != other and self._graph.is_ancestor(parents[cur], parents[other]): to_remove.append(cur) for x in reversed(to_remove): parents.pop(x) if len(parents) == 1: check_merge_now_empty = True # Record our new parents after above pruning of parents representing # pruned empty histories from_commit = parents[0] merge_commits = parents[1:] file_changes = [] file_change = self._parse_optional_filechange() had_file_changes = file_change is not None or was_merge while file_change: if not (type(file_change) == str and file_change == 'skipped'): file_changes.append(file_change) file_change = self._parse_optional_filechange() if self._currentline == '\n': self._advance_currentline() # If we had a merge commit and the first parent history back to the # merge base was entirely composed of commits made empty by our # filtering, it is likely that this merge commit is empty and can be # pruned too. Check by comparing the contents of this merge to its # remaining parent. # # NOTES on why/how this works: # 1. fast-export always gives file changes in a merge commit relative # to the first parent. # 2. The only way this 'if' is active is when the first parent was # an ancestor of what is now the only remaining parent # 3. The two above imply that the file changes we're looking at are # just for the line of history for the remaining parent, and show # all changes needed to make the original first parent (whose tree # matched an ancestor of the remaining parent) match the merge's tree. # 4. If the versions of all specified files in the remaining parent # match the file change versions, then this "merge" commit is # actually going to be an empty non-merge commit and we should prune # it. if check_merge_now_empty and fast_import_pipes: unnecessary_filechanges = set() fi_input, fi_output = fast_import_pipes # Optimization note: we could have two loops over file_changes, the # first doing all the fi_input.write() calls, and the second doing the # rest. But I'm worried about fast-import blocking on fi_output # buffers filling up so I instead read from it as I go. for change in file_changes: fi_input.write("ls :{} {}\n".format(from_commit, change.filename)) parent_version = fi_output.readline().split() if change.type == 'D': if parent_version == ['missing', change.filename]: unnecessary_filechanges.add(change) else: blob_sha = change.blob_id if isinstance(change.blob_id, int): fi_input.write("get-mark :{}\n".format(change.blob_id)) blob_sha = fi_output.readline().rstrip() if parent_version == [change.mode, 'blob', blob_sha, change.filename]: unnecessary_filechanges.add(change) file_changes = [change for change in file_changes if change not in unnecessary_filechanges] # Okay, now we can finally create the Commit object commit = Commit(branch, author_name, author_email, author_date, committer_name, committer_email, committer_date, commit_msg, file_changes, from_commit, merge_commits, stream_number = _CURRENT_STREAM_NUMBER) # If fast-export text had a mark for this commit, need to make sure this # mark translates to the commit's true id. if id_: commit.old_id = id_ _IDS.record_rename(id_, commit.id) # Record ancestry graph self._graph.add_commit_and_parents(commit.id, commit.get_parents()) # Call any user callback to allow them to modify the commit if self._commit_callback: self._commit_callback(commit) if self._everything_callback: self._everything_callback('commit', commit) # Now print the resulting commit, unless all its changes were dropped and # it was a non-merge commit merge_commit = len(parents) > 1 if not commit.dumped: if (commit.file_changes or merge_commit or (not had_file_changes and len(parents) >= 1)): commit.dump(self._output) new_id = None # Determine the mapping of old commit hash to new one if commit.original_id and fast_import_pipes: fi_input, fi_output = fast_import_pipes fi_input.write("get-mark :{}\n".format(commit.id)) orig_id = commit.original_id new_id = fi_output.readline().rstrip() # Now, record if this was a merge commit that turned into a non-merge # commit. if num_original_parents > 1 and not merge_commit: self._commits_no_longer_merges.append((orig_id, new_id)) else: # We skip empty commits, but want to keep track to make sure we don't # lose any refs this way. self._seen_refs[branch] = commit.first_parent() commit.skip(commit.first_parent()) def _parse_tag(self): """ Parse input data into a Tag object. Once the Tag has been created, it will be handed off to the appropriate callbacks. Current-line will be advanced until it is beyond the tag data. The Tag will be dumped to _output once everything else is done (unless it has been skipped by the callback). """ # Parse the Tag tag = self._parse_ref_line('tag') from_ref = self._parse_optional_parent_ref('from') if from_ref is None: raise SystemExit("Expected 'from' line while parsing tag %s" % tag) (tagger_name, tagger_email, tagger_date) = self._parse_user('tagger') tag_msg = self._parse_data() if self._currentline == '\n': self._advance_currentline() # Create the tag tag = Tag(tag, from_ref, tagger_name, tagger_email, tagger_date, tag_msg) # Call any user callback to allow them to modify the tag if self._tag_callback: self._tag_callback(tag) if self._everything_callback: self._everything_callback('tag', tag) # Now print the resulting reset if not tag.dumped: tag.dump(self._output) def _parse_progress(self): """ Parse input data into a Progress object. Once the Progress has been created, it will be handed off to the appropriate callbacks. Current-line will be advanced until it is beyond the progress data. The Progress will be dumped to _output once everything else is done (unless it has been skipped by the callback). """ # Parse the Progress message = self._parse_ref_line('progress') if self._currentline == '\n': self._advance_currentline() # Create the progress message progress = Progress(message) # Call any user callback to allow them to modify the progress messsage if self._progress_callback: self._progress_callback(progress) if self._everything_callback: self._everything_callback('progress', progress) # Now print the resulting progress message if not progress.dumped: progress.dump(self._output) def _parse_checkpoint(self): """ Parse input data into a Checkpoint object. Once the Checkpoint has been created, it will be handed off to the appropriate callbacks. Current-line will be advanced until it is beyond the checkpoint data. The Checkpoint will be dumped to _output once everything else is done (unless it has been skipped by the callback). """ # Parse the Checkpoint self._advance_currentline() if self._currentline == '\n': self._advance_currentline() # Create the checkpoint checkpoint = Checkpoint() # Call any user callback to allow them to drop the checkpoint if self._checkpoint_callback: self._checkpoint_callback(checkpoint) if self._everything_callback: self._everything_callback('checkpoint', checkpoint) # Now print the resulting checkpoint if not checkpoint.dumped: checkpoint.dump(self._output) def _parse_literal_command(self): """ Parse literal command. Just dump the line as is. """ # Create the literal command object command = LiteralCommand(self._currentline) self._advance_currentline() # Now print the resulting checkpoint if not command.dumped: command.dump(self._output) def _handle_final_commands(self): self._finalize_handled = True for ref, value in self._seen_refs.iteritems(): if value is not None: # Create a reset reset = Reset(ref, value) # Call any user callback to allow them to modify the reset if self._reset_callback: self._reset_callback(reset) if self._everything_callback: self._everything_callback('reset', reset) # Now print the resulting reset reset.dump(self._output) def record_metadata(self, metadata_dir, orig_refs, refs_nuked): deleted_hash = '0'*40 with open(os.path.join(metadata_dir, 'commit-map'), 'w') as f: f.write("old new\n") for (old,new) in self._commit_renames.iteritems(): f.write('{} {}\n'.format(old, new if new != None else deleted_hash)) batch_check_process = None with open(os.path.join(metadata_dir, 'ref-map'), 'w') as f: for refname, old_hash in orig_refs.iteritems(): if refname in refs_nuked: new_hash = deleted_hash elif old_hash in self._commit_renames: new_hash = self._commit_renames[old_hash] new_hash = new_hash if new_hash != None else deleted_hash else: # Must be an annotated tag if not batch_check_process: cmd = 'git cat-file --batch-check'.split() batch_check_process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) batch_check_process.stdin.write(refname+"\n") line = batch_check_process.stdout.readline() m = re.match('^([0-9a-f]{40}) ([a-z]+) ([0-9]+)$', line) if not m or m.group(2) != 'tag': raise SystemExit("Failed to find new id for {} (old id was {})" .format(refname, old_hash)) new_hash = m.group(1) f.write('{} {} {}\n'.format(old_hash, new_hash, refname)) if batch_check_process: batch_check_process.stdin.close() batch_check_process.wait() with open(os.path.join(metadata_dir, 'suboptimal-issues'), 'w') as f: issues_found = False if self._commits_no_longer_merges: issues_found = True f.write(textwrap.dedent(''' The following commits used to be merge commits but due to filtering are now regular commits; they likely have suboptimal commit messages (e.g. "Merge branch next into master"). Original commit hash on the left, commit hash after filtering/rewriting on the right: '''[1:])) for oldhash, newhash in self._commits_no_longer_merges: f.write(' {} {}\n'.format(oldhash, newhash)) f.write('\n') if not issues_found: f.write("No filtering problems encountered.") def get_seen_refs(self): return self._seen_refs.keys() def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This method performs the filter. The method optionally takes two arguments. The first represents the source repository (either a file object containing git-fast-export output, or a string containing the path to the source repository where we can run git-fast-export), and the second argument represents the target repository (again either a file object into which we write git-fast-import input, or a string containing the path to the source repository where we can run git-fast-import). """ # Sanity check arguments if len(args) != 0 and len(args) != 2: raise SystemExit("run() must be called with 0 or 2 arguments") if type(args[0]) != str and not ( hasattr(args[0], 'read') and hasattr(args[0], 'readline')): raise SystemExit("arguments to run() must be filenames or files") if type(args[1]) != str and not ( hasattr(args[1], 'write') and hasattr(args[1], 'close')): raise SystemExit("arguments to run() must be filenames or files") # Set input. If no args provided, use stdin. self._input = sys.stdin if len(args) > 0: if type(args[0]) == str: # If repo-name provided, set up fast_export process pipe as input self._input = fast_export_output(args[0]).stdout else: # If file-obj provided, just use that self._input = args[0] # Set output. If no args provided, use stdout. self._output = sys.stdout output_pipe = None need_wait = False if len(args) > 1: if type(args[1]) == str: # If repo-name provided, output to fast_import process pipe output_pipe = fast_import_input(args[1]) self._output = output_pipe.stdin need_wait = True else: # If file-obj provided, just use that self._output = args[1] # Setup some vars global _CURRENT_STREAM_NUMBER _CURRENT_STREAM_NUMBER += 1 if _CURRENT_STREAM_NUMBER > 1: self._id_offset = _IDS._next_id-1 # Run over the input and do the filtering self._advance_currentline() while self._currentline: if self._currentline.startswith('blob'): self._parse_blob() elif self._currentline.startswith('reset'): self._parse_reset() elif self._currentline.startswith('commit'): self._parse_commit(kwargs.get('fast_import_pipes', None)) elif self._currentline.startswith('tag'): self._parse_tag() elif self._currentline.startswith('progress'): self._parse_progress() elif self._currentline.startswith('checkpoint'): self._parse_checkpoint() elif self._currentline.startswith('feature'): self._parse_literal_command() elif self._currentline.startswith('option'): self._parse_literal_command() elif self._currentline.startswith('done'): self._handle_final_commands() self._parse_literal_command() elif self._currentline.startswith('#'): self._parse_literal_command() elif self._currentline.startswith('get-mark') or \ self._currentline.startswith('cat-blob') or \ self._currentline.startswith('ls'): raise SystemExit("Unsupported command: '%s'" % self._currentline) else: raise SystemExit("Could not parse line: '%s'" % self._currentline) if not self._finalize_handled: self._handle_final_commands() # If we created fast_import process, close pipe and wait for it to finish if need_wait: self._output.close() output_pipe.wait() def fast_export_output(source_repo, extra_args = None): """ Given a source-repo location, setup a Popen process that runs fast-export on that repo. The Popen object is returned (we do NOT wait for it to finish). """ if not extra_args: extra_args = ["--all"] # If the client specified an import-marks file, we find the biggest mark # within that file and make sure that _IDS generates new marks that are # at least higher than that. for arg in extra_args: if arg.startswith("--import-marks"): filename = arg[len("--import-marks="):] lines = open(filename,'r').read().strip().splitlines() if lines: biggest_mark = max([int(line.split()[0][1:]) for line in lines]) _IDS._avoid_ids_below(biggest_mark) # Create and return the git process extra_args.append('--use-done-feature') return subprocess.Popen(["git", "fast-export", "--topo-order"] + extra_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=source_repo) def fast_import_input(target_repo, extra_args = None): """ Given a target-repo location, setup a Popen process that runs fast-import on that repo. The Popen object is returned (we do NOT wait for it to finish). """ if extra_args is None: extra_args = [] # If target-repo directory does not exist, create it and initialize it if not os.path.isdir(target_repo): os.makedirs(target_repo) if subprocess.call(["git", "init", "--shared"], cwd=target_repo) != 0: raise SystemExit("git init in %s failed!" % target_repo) # Create and return the git process return subprocess.Popen(["git", "fast-import", "--quiet"] + extra_args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=target_repo) def get_commit_count(repo, *args): """ Return the number of commits that have been made on repo. """ if not args: args = ['--all'] if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], list): args = args[0] p1 = subprocess.Popen(["git", "rev-list"] + args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=repo) p2 = subprocess.Popen(["wc", "-l"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) count = int(p2.communicate()[0]) if p1.poll() != 0: raise SystemExit("%s does not appear to be a valid git repository" % repo) return count def get_total_objects(repo): """ Return the number of objects (both packed and unpacked) """ p1 = subprocess.Popen(["git", "count-objects", "-v"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=repo) lines = p1.stdout.read().splitlines() # Return unpacked objects + packed-objects return int(lines[0].split()[1]) + int(lines[2].split()[1]) def record_id_rename(old_id, new_id): """ Register a new translation """ handle_transitivity = True _IDS.record_rename(old_id, new_id, handle_transitivity) # Internal globals _IDS = _IDs() _EXTRA_CHANGES = {} # idnum -> list of list of FileChanges _CURRENT_STREAM_NUMBER = 0 ###################################################################### class AppendFilter(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): filter_type = option_string[len('--path-'):] or 'match' items = getattr(namespace, self.dest, []) or [] items.append((mod_type, match_type, values)) setattr(namespace, self.dest, items) def get_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Rewrite repository history') # FIXME: Need to special case all --* args that rev-list takes, or call # git rev-parse ... parser.add_argument('--force', '-f', action='store_true', help='''Rewrite history even if the current repo does not look like a fresh clone.''') path_group = parser.add_argument_group(title='Filtering based on paths') path_group.add_argument('--invert-paths', action='store_false', dest='inclusive', help='''Invert the selection of files from the specified --path-{match,glob,regex} options below, i.e. only select files matching none of those options.''') path_group.add_argument('--path-match', '--path', metavar='DIR_OR_FILE', action=AppendFilter, dest='path_filter', help='''Exact paths (files or directories) to include in filtered history. Multiple --path options can be specified to get a union of paths.''') path_group.add_argument('--path-glob', metavar='GLOB', action=AppendFilter, dest='path_filter', help='''Glob of paths to include in filtered history. Multiple --path-glob options can be specified to get a union of paths.''') path_group.add_argument('--path-regex', metavar='REGEX', action=AppendFilter, dest='path_filter', help='''Regex of paths to include in filtered history. Multiple --path-regex options can be specified to get a union of paths''') parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', help='''Do not change the repository. Run `git fast-export` and filter its output, and save both the original and the filtered version for comparison. Some filtering of empty commits may not occur due to inability to query the fast-import backend.''') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='''Print additional information about operations being performed and commands being run. When used together with --dry-run, also show extra information about what would be run.''') parser.add_argument('--stdin', action='store_true', help='''Instead of running `git fast-export` and filtering its output, filter the fast-export stream from stdin.''') parser.add_argument('--quiet', action='store_true', help='''Pass --quiet to other git commands called''') parser.add_argument('revisions', nargs='*', help='''Branches/tags/refs to rewrite. Special rev-list options, such as --branches, --tags, --all, --glob, or --exclude are allowed. [default: --all]''') if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_usage() raise SystemExit("No arguments specified.") args = parser.parse_args() if not args.revisions: args.revisions = ['--all'] if args.path_filter == None: args.path_filter = [] args.inclusive = False return args def is_repository_bare(): output = subprocess.check_output('git rev-parse --is-bare-repository'.split()) return (output.strip() == 'true') def determine_git_dir(): output = subprocess.check_output('git rev-parse --git-dir'.split()) return output.strip() def sanity_check(refs, is_bare): def abort(reason): raise SystemExit( "Aborting: Refusing to overwrite repo history since this does not\n" "look like a fresh clone.\n" " ("+reason+")\n" "To override, use --force.") # Make sure repo is fully packed, just like a fresh clone would be output = subprocess.check_output('git count-objects -v'.split()) stats = dict(x.split(': ') for x in output.splitlines()) if stats['count'] != '0' or stats['packs'] != '1': abort("expected freshly packed repo") # Make sure there is precisely one remote, named "origin" output = subprocess.check_output('git remote'.split()).strip() if output != "origin": abort("expected one remote, origin") # Avoid letting people running with weird setups and overwriting GIT_DIR # elsewhere git_dir = determine_git_dir() if is_bare and git_dir != '.': abort("GIT_DIR must be .") elif not is_bare and git_dir != '.git': abort("GIT_DIR must be .git") # Make sure that all reflogs have precisely one entry reflog_dir=os.path.join(git_dir, 'logs') for root, dirs, files in os.walk(reflog_dir): for filename in files: pathname = os.path.join(root, filename) with open(pathname) as f: if len(f.read().splitlines()) > 1: shortpath = pathname[len(reflog_dir)+1:] abort("expected at most one entry in the reflog for " + shortpath) # Make sure there are no stashed changes if 'refs/stash' in refs: abort("has stashed changes") # Do extra checks in non-bare repos if not is_bare: # Avoid uncommitted, unstaged, or untracked changes if subprocess.call('git diff --staged'.split()): abort("you have uncommitted changes") if subprocess.call('git diff --quiet'.split()): abort("you have unstaged changes") if len(subprocess.check_output('git ls-files -o'.split())) > 0: abort("you have untracked changes") # Avoid unpushed changes for refname, rev in refs.iteritems(): if not refname.startswith('refs/heads/'): continue origin_ref = refname.replace('refs/heads/', 'refs/remotes/origin/') if origin_ref not in refs: abort('{} exists, but {} not found'.format(refname, origin_ref)) if rev != refs[origin_ref]: abort('{} does not match {}'.format(refname, origin_ref)) def get_refs(): try: output = subprocess.check_output('git show-ref'.split()) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # If error code is 1, there just isn't any refs; i.e. bare repo. # If error code is other than 1, some other error (e.g. not a git repo) if e.returncode != 1: raise SystemExit('fatal: {}'.format(e)) output = '' return dict(reversed(x.split()) for x in output.splitlines()) def tweak_commit(args, commit): def include_file(path_filter, pathname): for (filter_type, path_expression) in path_filter: if filter_type == 'match': n = len(path_expression) if (pathname.startswith(path_expression) and (path_expression[n-1] == '/' or len(pathname) == n or pathname[n] == '/')): return True if filter_type == 'glob' and fnmatch.fnmatch(pathname, path_expression): return True if filter_type == 'regex' and re.search(path_expression, pathname): return True return False new_file_changes = [] for change in commit.file_changes: if include_file(args.path_filter, change.filename) == args.inclusive: new_file_changes.append(change) commit.file_changes = new_file_changes class InputFileBackup: def __init__(self, input_file, output_file): self.input_file = input_file self.output_file = output_file def read(self, size): output = self.input_file.read(size) self.output_file.write(output) return output def readline(self): line = self.input_file.readline() self.output_file.write(line) return line class DualFileWriter: def __init__(self, file1, file2): self.file1 = file1 self.file2 = file2 def write(self, *args): self.file1.write(*args) self.file2.write(*args) def close(self): self.file1.close() self.file2.close() def run_fast_filter(): args = get_args() if args.debug: print("[DEBUG] Parsed arguments:\n{}".format(args)) # Determine basic repository information orig_refs = get_refs() is_bare = is_repository_bare() git_dir = determine_git_dir() # Do sanity checks if not args.force: sanity_check(orig_refs, is_bare) # Create a temporary directory for storing some results results_tmp_dir = os.path.join(git_dir, 'filter-repo') if not os.path.isdir(results_tmp_dir): os.mkdir(results_tmp_dir) # Determine where to get input (and whether to make a copy) if args.stdin: input = sys.stdin fe_orig = None else: fep_cmd = ['git', 'fast-export', '--no-data', '--use-done-feature'] + args.revisions fep = subprocess.Popen(fep_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) input = fep.stdout if args.dry_run or args.debug: fe_orig = os.path.join(results_tmp_dir, 'fast-export.original') output = open(fe_orig, 'w') input = InputFileBackup(input, output) if args.debug: print("[DEBUG] Running: {}".format(' '.join(fep_cmd))) print(" (saving a copy of the output at {})".format(fe_orig)) # Determine where to send output pipes = None if not args.dry_run: fip_cmd = 'git fast-import --force --quiet'.split() fip = subprocess.Popen(fip_cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) pipes = (fip.stdin, fip.stdout) if args.dry_run or args.debug: fe_filt = os.path.join(results_tmp_dir, 'fast-export.filtered') output = open(fe_filt, 'w') else: output = fip.stdin if args.debug: output = DualFileWriter(fip.stdin, output) print("[DEBUG] Running: {}".format(' '.join(fip_cmd))) print(" (using the following file as input: {})".format(fe_filt)) # Create and run the filter filter = FastExportFilter( commit_callback = lambda c : tweak_commit(args, c), ) filter.run(input, output, fast_import_pipes = pipes) # Close the output, ensure fast-export and fast-import have completed output.close() if not args.stdin and fep.wait(): raise SystemExit("Error: fast-export failed; see above.") if not args.dry_run and fip.wait(): raise SystemExit("Error: fast-import failed; see above.") # Exit early if args.dry_run: orig_str = "by comparing:\n "+fe_orig if fe_orig else "at:" print("NOTE: Not running fast-import or cleaning up; --dry-run passed.") print(" Requested filtering can be seen {}".format(orig_str)) print(" " + fe_filt) sys.exit(0) # Remove unused refs refs_to_nuke = set(orig_refs) - set(filter.get_seen_refs()) if refs_to_nuke: if args.debug: print("[DEBUG] Deleting the following refs:\n "+ "\n ".join(refs_to_nuke)) p = subprocess.Popen('git update-ref --stdin'.split(), stdin=subprocess.PIPE) p.stdin.write(''.join(["option no-deref\ndelete {}\n".format(x) for x in refs_to_nuke])) p.stdin.close() if p.wait(): raise SystemExit("git update-ref failed; see above") # Write out data about run filter.record_metadata(results_tmp_dir, orig_refs, refs_to_nuke) # Nuke the reflogs and repack if not args.quiet and not args.debug: print("Repacking your repo and cleaning out old unneeded objects") quiet_flags = '--quiet' if args.quiet else '' cleanup_cmds = ['git reflog expire --expire=now --all'.split(), 'git gc {} --prune=now'.format(quiet_flags).split()] if not is_bare: cleanup_cmds.append('git reset {} --hard'.format(quiet_flags).split()) for cmd in cleanup_cmds: if args.debug: print("[DEBUG] Running: {}".format(' '.join(cmd))) subprocess.call(cmd) if __name__ == '__main__': run_fast_filter()