#!/usr/bin/env python """Verify the integrity of the domain blocklist """ import io import sys from collections import Counter from publicsuffixlist import PublicSuffixList from requests import get blocklist = "disposable_email_blocklist.conf" allowlist = "allowlist.conf" files = { filename: open(filename).read().splitlines() for filename in [allowlist, blocklist] } def download_suffixes(): with open("public_suffix_list.dat", "wb") as file: response = get("https://publicsuffix.org/list/public_suffix_list.dat") file.write(response.content) def check_for_public_suffixes(filename): lines = files[filename] suffix_detected = False psl = None with open("public_suffix_list.dat", "r") as latest: psl = PublicSuffixList(latest) for i, line in enumerate(lines): current_line = line.strip() public_suffix = psl.publicsuffix(current_line) if public_suffix == current_line: print( f"The line number {i+1} contains just a public suffix: {current_line}" ) suffix_detected = True if suffix_detected: print( "At least one valid public suffix found in {!r}, please " "remove it. See https://publicsuffix.org for details on why this " "shouldn't be blocklisted.".format(filename) ) sys.exit(1) def check_for_third_level_domains(filename): with open("public_suffix_list.dat", "r") as latest: psl = PublicSuffixList(latest) invalid = { line for line in files[filename] if len(psl.privateparts(line.strip())) > 1 } if invalid: print("The following domains contain a third or lower level domain in {!r}:".format(filename)) for line in sorted(invalid): print("* {}".format(line)) sys.exit(1) def check_for_non_lowercase(filename): lines = files[filename] invalid = set(lines) - set(line.lower() for line in lines) if invalid: print("The following domains should be lowercased in {!r}:".format(filename)) for line in sorted(invalid): print("* {}".format(line)) sys.exit(1) def check_for_duplicates(filename): lines = files[filename] count = Counter(lines) - Counter(set(lines)) if count: print("The following domains appear twice in {!r}:".format(filename)) for line in sorted(count): print("* {}".format(line)) sys.exit(1) def check_sort_order(filename): lines = files[filename] for a, b in zip(lines, sorted(lines)): if a != b: print("The list is not sorted in {!r}:".format(filename)) print("* {!r} should come before {!r}".format(b, a)) sys.exit(1) def check_for_intersection(filename_a, filename_b): a = files[filename_a] b = files[filename_b] intersection = set(a) & set(b) if intersection: print("The following domains appear in both lists:") for line in sorted(intersection): print("* {}".format(line)) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": # Download the list of public suffixes download_suffixes() # Check if any domains have a public suffix check_for_public_suffixes(blocklist) # Check if any domains are a third or lower level domain check_for_third_level_domains(blocklist) # Check if any domains are not lowercase check_for_non_lowercase(allowlist) check_for_non_lowercase(blocklist) # Check if any domains are duplicated in the same list check_for_duplicates(allowlist) check_for_duplicates(blocklist) # Check if any lists are not sorted check_sort_order(allowlist) check_sort_order(blocklist) # Check if any domains are in both the allowlist and blocklist check_for_intersection(allowlist, blocklist)